Oxfordshire bid and evaluation for the Cycle City Ambition Grant in 2013

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Transport,

Please will you provide the bid from Oxfordshire County Council for the Cycle Ambition Grant in 2013; to include but not be limited to:

The Cycle city ambition grants pro forma - spreadsheet
The Cycle city ambition grants application form - Word document
Designs and plans submitted, including any subsequent updated plans and designs
Evaluation documentation
Further designs, plans which may have been submitted after grant award

Yours faithfully,

Peter Barnett

FOI Advice, Department for Transport

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your request for information which
has been allocated reference number EIR-00030405.

A response will be issued to you in due course.

Kind regards,

Department for Transport


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FOI Advice, Department for Transport

12 Attachments

Dear Peter Barnett,

Please see attached the response to your request for an Environmental
Information Regulation request. Reference - [EIR-00030405].

Kind regards,

Department for Transport


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