Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please provide all documents, minutes from meetings and internal communications relating to the pledging of support by Oxford City Council for the Ukraine, e.g., flying of Ukrainian flags above Council buildings and footers on official emails showing support for the Ukraine.
Is it mandatory or optional for Council employees to put a Ukrainian flag showing support for the Ukraine on the footer of their official Council emails?
Has Oxford City Council ever issued a statement condemning the killing of innocent civilians in Palestine or Yemen? Has Oxford City Council ever discussed flying Palestinian or Yemini flags above Council buildings in support of these persecuted people?
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council – Reference: 11397
Thank you for your email below. Your request was received on 22 August
2022 and we will endeavour to send you a response within 20 working days
(of receipt) in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000/
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR), subject to the
information not being exempt or containing reference to a third party.
Due to an unprecedented volume of Freedom of Information Requests
currently, it is likely however that some requests may go beyond the 20
working days. We are working as hard as possible to respond in a timely
manner, but we feel it is better to keep requestors informed in advance.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | SAC 3.8 | Oxford City
Council | St Aldates Chambers | 109-113 St. Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1DS
Website: www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter:
www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook:
Dear Freedom Of Information,
You should have replied to this request by 20 September 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan,
Re: Freedom of Information Request, Oxford City Council – Reference: 11397
Further to the acknowledgement below, I can respond to your Freedom of
Information Act 2000 request received on 22^nd August as follows (please
note, I have also attached my full response as a PDF, since I am aware
that What Do They Know displays correspondence in plain text, and I wanted
to ensure that none of the included hyperlinks were lost):
Your Request:
Please provide all documents, minutes from meetings and internal
communications relating to the pledging of support by Oxford City Council
for the Ukraine, e.g., flying of Ukrainian flags above Council buildings
and footers on official emails showing support for the Ukraine.
Is it mandatory or optional for Council employees to put a Ukrainian flag
showing support for the Ukraine on the footer of their official Council
Has Oxford City Council ever issued a statement condemning the killing of
innocent civilians in Palestine or Yemen? Has Oxford City Council ever
discussed flying Palestinian or Yemini flags above Council buildings in
support of these persecuted people?
Our Response:
Please provide all documents, minutes from meetings and internal
communications relating to the pledging of support by Oxford City Council
for the Ukraine, e.g., flying of Ukrainian flags above Council buildings
and footers on official emails showing support for the Ukraine.
Please see attached examples of emails concerning flying the Ukrainian
flag, and use of the “Oxford Stands With Ukraine” email signature banner.
In order to provide all documents, minutes from meetings, and internal
communications relating to Oxford City Council pledging support for
Ukraine (which is not limited to flag-flying and the email signature), it
would be necessary to search all staff email accounts going back to March,
as well as searching minutes of both public Committee meetings, and
private meetings from within service areas, departments and teams. To
conduct such a search would take significantly longer than 2.5 working
days, considering the Council has around 800 employees, and following
this, all correspondence would require redaction to remove personal
details of employees, in order to satisfy the requirements of s40 of the
Freedom of Information Act. Therefore the exemption under s12 (excessive
time) of the Freedom of Information Act applies here.
Additionally, the initial decision to fly the Ukraine flag was made back
in March, by our Committee and Member Services Manager, who has since
retired, and his replacement does not have access to his email account.
Oxford’s support of Ukraine led to a decision to discontinue our twinning
agreement with the Russian city of Perm, which had been in place since
1995, following links between the cities since 1990. You can read more
about this on our website [1]here, and in the meeting minutes attached.
Is it mandatory or optional for Council employees to put a Ukrainian flag
showing support for the Ukraine on the footer of their official Council
This is entirely optional. Please see attached emails discussing the email
signature, and the excerpt from the weekly newsletter sent to all Council
employees on 8^th March.
Has Oxford City Council ever issued a statement condemning the killing of
innocent civilians in Palestine or Yemen? Has Oxford City Council ever
discussed flying Palestinian or Yemini flags above Council buildings in
support of these persecuted people?
Oxford City Council’s support for Palestine is evident from Oxford’s
twinning with the Palestinian city of Ramallah, which was agreed in 2019,
recognising a 17-year friendship link between the two cities, which has
been developed by the [2]Oxford Ramallah Friendship Association.
Following the twinning agreement, Oxford’s Lord Mayor visited Ramallah in
March 2022. More can be read about the twinning on the Council’s website
[3]here. [4]This news article on the Council’s website announces the
twinning, and contains statements of support from the Lord Mayor, and from
some of our councillors. The decision to extend Oxford’s twinning links to
Ramallah is detailed [5]here, and the minutes of the meeting in which the
decision was made can be found [6]here.
Oxford City Council issued a decision condemning human rights violations
in Sudan in 2019, which can be viewed online [7]here. The following quote
from the decision details is especially relevant:
“This council condemns the British government for being complicit in the
violence through its cooperation with the Saudi campaign in Yemen (where
Sudanese militias are deployed) and through funding Sudanese militias
indirectly through EU border policy (the Khartoum process/Rome Declaration
Minutes from the meeting where the decision was made are attached. There
is only one other mention of Yemen in the Committee meeting minutes –
please see attached.
Additionally, it is worth noting that Oxford City Council has condemned
the dreadfully inhumane treatment of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar (Burma),
resulting in the honour of Freedom of the City bestowed on State
Counsellor of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, being revoked. The decision to
remove this honour was made after Oxford City Council had written a letter
to Aung San Suu Kyi, urging her to speak out on the ethnic cleansing
happening in her country, and do everything in her power to stop it. The
minutes for the meeting where this decision was made can be found [8]here.
If you disagree with any part of the response to your request, you are
entitled to ask the Council for an internal review of the decision(s)
made. You may do this by writing to the Monitoring Officer, by either
email – [9][email address] – or by post to Monitoring Officer, Oxford
City Council, St Aldate’s Chambers, St Aldate’s, Oxford, OX1 1DS. After
the result of the internal review, if you remain dissatisfied, you may ask
the Information Commissioner to intervene on your behalf. You may do this
by writing to the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Officer
| Freedom of Information Team | Law & Governance | Oxford City Council |
St Aldates Chambers | St Aldates | Oxford | OX1 1DS |
For any Data Protection queries please send the email directly to the
[10][email address] mailbox
From: Freedom Of Information
Sent: 12 September 2022 14:54
To: '[FOI #888979 email]'
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Oxford City Council's Virtue
Signalling Support for the Ukraine Ref 11397
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council – Reference: 11397
Thank you for your email below. Your request was received on 22 August
2022 and we will endeavour to send you a response within 20 working days
(of receipt) in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000/
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR), subject to the
information not being exempt or containing reference to a third party.
Due to an unprecedented volume of Freedom of Information Requests
currently, it is likely however that some requests may go beyond the 20
working days. We are working as hard as possible to respond in a timely
manner, but we feel it is better to keep requestors informed in advance.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | SAC 3.8 | Oxford City
Council | St Aldates Chambers | 109-113 St. Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1DS
Website: [12]www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter:
[13]www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook:
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
Thank you for your response of 30 September 2022.
It would seem that the most relevant emails are the ones that you have not provided, i.e., communications from your Committee and Service Manager who you suggest initiated the virtue signalling support for Ukraine, who has now since retired.
I would therefore like redacted copies of emails and communications sent from the now retired Committee and Service Manager. His replacement may not have access to this email account, but I am sure your System Administrator does.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
It has been in excess of 20 working days since this internal review was submitted. Please provide a prompt response.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council Freedom of Information reference: 11397
Thank you for your email and please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you. I have been asked to respond to you regarding your request for a review of the Council's handling of your Freedom of Information request regarding virtue signalling for Ukraine.
I can see that you originally sent in your request on 22nd August and we provided an answer on 30 September 2022.
Having reviewed this response, I am satisfied that we have no further information available to provide to you on this matter. Furthermore, if it was still possible to access the email account of the former Committee and Member Services Manager and identify any relevant correspondence, to do so would exceed the time limit of 2.5 working days for dealing with Freedom of Information requests and therefore Section 12 exemption (excessive time) of the FOIA would apply.
This concludes my Internal Review of your Freedom of Information case. If you remain dissatisfied, you may ask the Information Commissioner to intervene on your behalf. You can do this by writing to the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council | Town Hall | St Aldates | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
Thank you fro your response of 20 December 2022.
You claim that it is no longer possible to access emails sent by the former Committee and Member Services Manager. I do not believe this statement. Please provide the relevant text from your Records Retention Schedule document detailing the destruction/retention of such documents.
Once you have access to the former Committee and Member Services Manager account I reject the suggestion that it would take in excess of 2.5 working days to extract the requested information. I would suggest that it would take at maximum 30 to 60 minutes.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council Freedom of Information reference: 11397
Thank you for your email. I have been asked to respond to you regarding your request for a review of the Council's handling of your Freedom of information request regarding access to emails of the former Committee and Member Services Manager.
You claim that it is no longer possible to access emails sent by the former Committee and Member Services Manager. I do not believe this statement. Please provide the relevant text from your Records Retention Schedule document detailing the destruction/retention of such documents.
Please see below extract from our Retention Procedure regarding the email accounts of former employees:
The process for mailbox data is as follows
1. Service Desk disable the account from the day they have left.
2. the account is marked as to be deleted - known as zzz on the account
3. once deleted the mailbox is automatically removed from the system after 30 days
4. once removed there is an option to recover for up to 14 days
5. after this period there is no recovery option
The exception to this is if the service or manager asks for ICT to store the mailbox for business reasons in which case we would store a copy of the mailbox pst file offline on one of the onsite archive servers . This was not the case for this particular officer and we do not have any offline copy stored.
Our normal SCC backups are 14 days, so no data is recoverable from that source.
Therefore we can confirm that we cannot access this email account.
This concludes my Internal Review of your Freedom of Information case. If you remain dissatisfied, you may ask the Information Commissioner to intervene on your behalf. You can do this by writing to the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council | Town Hall | St Aldate’s | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
1. Please provide a copy of the document detailing the Council's email retention procedure from which the text you provided was extracted from.
2. In your response you state that the contents of the former Committee and Service Manager's email account is no longer accessible as the account has been deleted. However, my understanding is that emails sent from this account will still exist, even if the account has been deleted. I would therefore like you to search the mailboxes of the Chief Executive, Head of Law and Governance and Cllr Susan Brown and provide copies of any emails sent by the former Committee and Service Manager relating to the promotion and support of the Ukraine.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
I am still waiting for a reply which is now long overdue.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council Freedom of Information – Reference: 11397
Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to your internal review request received on 15 February 2023. Our response is attached.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council | Town Hall | St Aldate’s | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
Thank you for your response of 25 May 2023.
I believe that you have mis-applied the Section 31 exemption, and would like you to reconsider the request to supply a copy of the Council's email retention procedure.
I require clarification regarding the emails you have supplied by the former Committee and Service
In your initial response of 30 September 2022, you stated: " the initial decision to fly the Ukraine flag was made back in March, by our Committee and Member Services Manager, who has since retired, and his replacement does not have access to his email account."
In your response of 15 February 2023 you state that once an employee has left service of the Council you delete there emails after 14 days and they are unrecoverable.
In your response of 25 May, you claim that you provided a number of documents regarding support for Ukraine involving the individuals specified.
This response is too ambiguous and not good enough. Please provide explicit details as to what access you have to emails sent by the former Committee and Member Services Manager? If you have not provided ALL relevant emails sent by the former employee, then provide request in internal review: I would therefore like you to search the mailboxes of the Chief Executive, Head of Law and Governance and Cllr Susan Brown and provide copies of any emails sent by the former Committee and Service Manager relating to the promotion and support of the Ukraine.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
It has now been in excess of 20 working days since the internal review was submitted.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council Freedom of Information – Reference: 11397
Please find attached a response to your internal review request received on 26 May 2023.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council | Town Hall | St Aldate’s | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Oxford City Council's handling of my FOI request 'Oxford City Council's Virtue Signalling Support for the Ukraine'.
You have still not responded to the issue regarding emails sent by the former Committee and Member Services Manager.
Although the account of the former Committee and Member Services Manager no longer exists, please provide details as to what happened to emails sent by this individual to other Council members, once the account was closed. If these emails still exist, then please provide relevant copies. as requested.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...
Yours faithfully,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council Freedom of Information – Reference: 11397
Please find attached a response to your email received on 11 July 2023.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council | Town Hall | St Aldate’s | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
Dear Freedom Of Information,
A complaint has been submitted to the ICO as you failed to respond to the issues I raised in the internal review submitted on 11 July 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Declan
Following my complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) a decision notice was received on 21 September 2023:
Decision (including any steps ordered)
1. The complainant requested information relating to support for Ukraine. Oxford City Council (the “council”) disclosed some information. The complainant considers that the council has failed to disclose all the relevant information that it holds.
2. The Commissioner’s decision is that the council failed to respond in time and breached section 10(1) and, in relation to the request for correspondence from the former Member & Committee Services Manager, the council failed to comply with section 1(1) of FOIA.
3. The Commissioner requires the council to take the following steps:
• issue a new response which either confirms or denies whether the requested information is held or cites a relevant provision which removes this duty.
4. The council must take these steps within 35 calendar days of the date of this decision notice. Failure to comply may result in the Commissioner making written certification of this fact to the High Court pursuant to section 54 of the Act and may be dealt with as a contempt of court.
Request and response
5. On 20 August 2022, the complainant wrote to Oxford City Council (the
“council”) and requested information in the following terms:
“Please provide all documents, minutes from meetings and internal communications relating to the pledging of support by Oxford City Council for the Ukraine, e.g., flying of Ukrainian flags above Council buildings and footers on official emails showing support for the Ukraine.
Is it mandatory or optional for Council employees to put a Ukrainian flag showing support for the Ukraine on the footer of their official Council emails?
Has Oxford City Council ever issued a statement condemning the killing of innocent civilians in Palestine or Yemen? Has Oxford City Council ever discussed flying Palestinian or Yemini flags above Council buildings in support of these persecuted people?”
6. The council responded to the request on 30 September 2022 and provided some information. It confirmed that the cost of locating, retrieving and extracting additional relevant information would exceed the appropriate limit under the terms of section 12 of the FOIA.
7. On 13 October 2022 the complainant asked the council to review its handling of the request. The complainant specifically asked the council to reconsider its position in relation to correspondence sent by the council’s Committee and Service Manager.
8. On 20 December 2022 the council responded. It confirmed that
the Committee and Service Manager was no longer a council employee and that it was unable to access their email account. The council further suggested that, if it was possible to access the Committee and Service
Manager’s email account, the cost of locating, retrieving and extracting
relevant information would exceed the appropriate limit under the terms of section 12 of the FOIA.
Scope of the case
9. On 27 July 2023 the complainant contacted the Commissioner to
complain about the council’s handling of their request.
10. The complainant confirmed that they disputed the council’s position that it did not hold relevant correspondence from the former Committee and Service Manager. The Commissioner has considered whether thecouncil’s response to this element of the request complies with section
1(1) of FOIA.
11. The Commissioner notes that, following the internal review, the complainant submitted further queries to the council regarding its records management. The Commissioner considers that these enquiries do not fall within the scope of the original request so he has not considered these in this decision notice.
Reasons for decision
12. Under section 1(1) of FOIA anyone who requests information from a public authority is entitled to be told whether information is held and, where it is, to have it communicated to them.
13. The council confirmed to the Commissioner that the Committee and Member Services Manager left the council on 30 June 2022. It suggested that, if held, their correspondence potentially fell within the scope of the request.
14. The council explained that, in accordance with its standard processes for leavers, their email account would have been disabled from the day they left, then marked for deletion but kept on the system for 30 more days before being deleted. It clarified that, following this, there would be an option to recover emails for 14 more days, before being finally deleted from the council’s server and, therefore, no longer held.
15. The council explained that the process outlined above had, therefore, been completed by the time the request was received on 20 August 2022.
16. The Commissioner’s guidance acknowledges that there will be occasions where a requester asks for information which has previously been held but deleted prior to receiving the request. The Commissioner accepts that it would be reasonable for an authority to interpret most requests as relating to ‘live’ records or those held in archives. However, if a requester refers to an old or previous version of a document or otherwise makes it clear that they expect to be provided with ‘deleted’ information, this needs to be considered and addressed in the authority’s response.
17. The Commissioner guidance clarifies that information can still be held by an authority if it is retained in backup servers / tapes which are accessible to the authority. The council has indicated that the
information deleted in this case is “potentially” held on back-up tapes administrated by an off-site contractor. It has suggested that the effort/cost of accessing this information would be time consuming.
18. However, in the Commissioner’s view the council’s responses fail to satisfy the duty provided by section 1(1).
19. The council should confirm or deny whether it considers that relevant information on back-up tapes is held and respond accordingly. Where it considers that the cost of complying with these duties prohibits it from doing so, the council should identify the relevant section(s) of the FOIA.
20. Section 10(1) requires authorities to comply with the duty in section
1(1) within 20 working days of the date of receipt of a request.
21. In this case, the council’s initial response failed to meet this timeframe so the Commissioner has recorded a breach of section 10(1).
Right of appeal
22. Either party has the right to appeal against this decision notice to the First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights). Information about the appeals process may be obtained from:
First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) GRC & GRP Tribunals
PO Box 9300
Tel: 0203 936 8963
Fax: 0870 739 5836
Email: [email address]
Website: www.justice.gov.uk/tribunals/general-reg... chamber
23. If you wish to appeal against a decision notice, you can obtain information on how to appeal along with the relevant forms from the Information Tribunal website.
24. Any Notice of Appeal should be served on the Tribunal within 28 (calendar) days of the date on which this decision notice is sent.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Declan
Dear Carol Declan
Oxford City Council Freedom of Information – Reference: 11397
Information Commissioner case reference: IC-248066-J4V3
Please find attached a new response to your information request received on 11 July 2023.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council | Town Hall | St Aldate’s | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
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