Owens Park redevelopment
Dear University of Manchester,
In September 2015 a planning application was submitted for the redevelopment of Owens Park Fallowfield Campus. This included the demolition of more than 1,000 beds and the construction of c. 1,700 new bedrooms.
Planning ref: 110184/FO/2015/S1
What is the status of this development?
How many of the proposed beds have already been demolished and what is the construction status of the new beds being proposed, and when are these expected to be delivered?
Yours faithfully,
Steve Blunn
Dear Steve,
I am writing to acknowledge your request under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000 received by The University of Manchester, our reference as per
the subject line.
The University will respond to your request within 20 working days.
NB Due to the evolving situation with the Covid-19 virus and the
University’s response to it, there may be a delay in receiving your
response at this time.
With best regards
Dr Lisa Crawley l Information Officer l Information Governance Office
l Directorate of Compliance and Risk l Professional Support Services |
Room G7 Christie Building l Compliance & Risk Management Office l The
University of Manchester l Oxford Road l Manchester l M13 9PL l
Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400
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Dear Steve,
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of
Manchester on 29 April 2020 which was as follows:
In September 2015 a planning application was submitted for the
redevelopment of Owens Park Fallowfield Campus. This included the
demolition of more than 1,000 beds and the construction of c. 1,700 new
Planning ref: 110184/FO/2015/S1
What is the status of this development?
How many of the proposed beds have already been demolished and what is the
construction status of the new beds being proposed, and when are these
expected to be delivered?
The University has now considered your request and our response can be
found below.
No bedrooms have been demolished. The first 1000 new bedrooms have been
completed. We occupied the first 700 in Sept 2019 and the balance in
December 2019.
I trust this information is of use to you.
Kind regards
Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office |
Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Services | G7 Christie
Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13
9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549| [1]www.manchester.ac.uk
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University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before
you send your email. For further guidance see:
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1. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/
3. http://www.dataprotection.manchester.ac....
Dear Sharon (MTRS FOIA),
Thank you for the update.
Can you therefore confirm the total number of beds at the Owens Park residence for the 2020-21 academic year?
You mentioned that in total 1,000 beds were delivered in 2019. Are any more beds due to be built at the site?
Yours sincerely,
Steve Blunn
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your email. This has been logged as a new FOI under the above reference.
The University will respond to your request within 20 working days.
NB Due to the current situation with the Covid-19 virus and the University’s response to it, there may be a delay in receiving your response at this time.
Kind regards
Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office | Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Services | G7 Christie Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13 9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549| www.manchester.ac.uk
We are all responsible for protecting personal data held by the University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before you send your email. For further guidance see: www.dataprotection.manchester.ac.uk
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your email requesting the following data and please find our
response below:
Can you therefore confirm the total number of beds at the Owens Park
residence for the 2020-21 academic year?
The total number of beds at Owens Park is 1052
You mentioned that in total 1,000 beds were delivered in 2019. Are any
more beds due to be built at the site?
There are no current plans to build more beds at Owens Park
I hope you find the above helpful.
With best regards
Dr Lisa Crawley l Information Officer l Information Governance Office
l Directorate of Compliance and Risk l Professional Support Services |
Room G7 Christie Building l Compliance & Risk Management Office l The
University of Manchester l Oxford Road l Manchester l M13 9PL l
Tel +44 (0)161 275 8400
We are all responsible for protecting person identifying data held by the
University, including who we share that data with. Stop and think before
you send your email. For further guidance see:
Visible links
1. http://www.manchester.ac.uk/
3. http://www.dataprotection.manchester.ac....
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