Overtime, Mileage expenses, Car Allowance for Enforcement Staff
Dear Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council,
Can you please provide me with the following information relating to overtime, mileage expenses and any other additional ancillary costs over and above the annual salaries of enforcement staff.:
1. The number of overtime hours worked over and above the normal contracted hours by all enforcement officers for the following financial years:
please give a breakdown by each area of enforcement eg: street trading, taxi licensing, gambling act, licensing act, environmental health inspections, etc
2. Please provide the total cost of overtime for the years :
for each area of enforcement eg: street trading, taxi licensing, gambling act, licensing act, environmental health inspections, etc
3. Please provide details of mileage expenses claimed for the following years:
for each area of enforcement eg: street trading, taxi licensing, gambling act, licensing act, environmental health inspections, etc
4. Does the Authority contribute to car allowances, maintenance,insurance costs or the payment of parki9ng fines for any of its Enforcement Staff? If so please provide details.
5. Does the Authority perform any due dillegence process where Enforcement Officers use their own vehicles to perform Council duties? Please provide evidence of this?
Yours faithfully,
Dear Gerry
Thank you for your email received on 16 August 2013 requesting information about Overtime, Mileage expenses, Car Allowance for Enforcement Staff.
I have recorded your request for information under reference F2013.08.2031.
This has been passed to the relevant service and you will receive a response by 13 September 2013, as required by law.
In line with guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the council may make a charge for the provision of information – for example in order to cover the costs of postage (in line with the relevant postal charges) or charges for printing and copying (which will reflect photocopying charges levied by the council’s public libraries).
You will be informed if a fee is to be applied before information is to be provided.
Your sincerely
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Gerry
Freedom of Information request F2013-08-2031.
We have looked into your request for information about Overtime, Mileage expenses, Car Allowance for Enforcement Staff and our response is attached.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Freedom of Information,
Thank you for your reply.
I do however require clarification:
1. If a mileage fee is paid to an employee what is the cost per mile for the years originally requested.
2. If a mileage fee is paid then surely under accounting rules the member of staff would complete a claim form, therefore the Department or sub department would also be recorded. Please supply the original requested breakdown.
3. Please supply copies of all mileage receipts or claim forms for the original requested years. Please redact any personal identifying information.
4. Does the council check all Driving Licences, MOT, insurance and maintenance logs for vehicles owned and used by staff on council duty. Please provide details of such due dilligence checks redacting any personal identifying information.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr Gerry
Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your email received on 23 September 2013 requesting information about Overtime, Mileage expenses, Car Allowance for Enforcement Staff.
I have recorded your request for information under reference F2013.09.2180.
This has been passed to the relevant service and you will receive a response by 21 October 2013, as required by law.
In line with guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the council may make a charge for the provision of information – for example in order to cover the costs of postage (in line with the relevant postal charges) or charges for printing and copying (which will reflect photocopying charges levied by the council’s public libraries).
You will be informed if a fee is to be applied before information is to be provided.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Freedom of Information,
This response is now late please supply the information I requested
Yours sincerely,
Dear Gerry,
I have contacted the team dealing with this request and will respond to you shortly. Please accept my apologies for this delay.
Kindest regards,
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Freedom of Information,
Please advise of when I should receive my information as I requested the information a long time ago
Yours sincerely,
Dear Gerry,
Freedom of Information request F2013-09-2180
We have looked into your request for information about Overtime, Mileage expenses, Car Allowance for Enforcement staff, and our response is shown below.
1. If a mileage fee is paid to an employee what is the cost per mile for the years originally requested.
Essential Users 451-999cc 1000-1199cc 1200-1450cc
per mile first 8,500 36.9p 36.9p 36.9p
per mile after 8,500 13.7p 13.7p 13.7p
Casual Users
per mile first 8,500 46.9p 46.9p 46.9p
per mile after 8,500 13.7p 13.7p 13.7p
2. If a mileage fee is paid then surely under accounting rules the member of staff would complete a claim form, therefore the Department or sub department would also be recorded. Please supply the original requested breakdown.
Employees input claims for car mileage into an electronic system, the claim is coded against the service budget code and car mileage code. However teams have a wide range of posts and our financial systems can only provide a total figure and cannot differentiate by post.
3. Please supply copies of all mileage receipts or claim forms for the original requested years. Please redact any personal identifying information.
As explained above claims are input electronically and there no hard copies of claims.
4. Does the council check all Driving Licences, MOT, insurance and maintenance logs for vehicles owned and used by staff on council duty? Please provide details of such due diligence checks redacting any personal identifying information.
The Council has set procedures in place to monitor employee’s car and insurance details. This is done by their line manager and it is the responsibility of the employee to inform the council if their circumstances change and whether this affects their ability to undertake business travel.
If you need further information please see contact details below.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Freedom of Information,
Thank you for supplying some of the information.
Please can you:
Supply a screenshot of the Electronic System that "Employees input claims for car mileage into an electronic system, the claim is coded against the service budget code and car mileage code. However teams have a wide range of posts and our financial systems can only provide a total figure and cannot differentiate by post" I DO NOT require any personal identifying information
"The Council has set procedures in place to monitor employee’s car and insurance details. This is done by their line manager and it is the responsibility of the employee to inform the council if their circumstances change and whether this affects their ability to undertake business travel."
Please supply a copy of any Checklist or Declaration Form used by the Line Manager and / or Employee.
Does the Line Manager or Legal Dept check that the employees Insurance Policy has the correct category of Insurance cover in place eg: Business Travel not just to or from one fixed place of work, or Social Domestic and Pleasure only?
Yours sincerely,
Dear Gerry
Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your email received on 8 November 2013 requesting information about electronic system for car mileage.
I have recorded your request for information under reference F2013.11.2410.
This has been passed to the relevant service and you will receive a response by 5 December 2013, as required by law.
In line with guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the council may make a charge for the provision of information – for example in order to cover the costs of postage (in line with the relevant postal charges) or charges for printing and copying (which will reflect photocopying charges levied by the council’s public libraries).
You will be informed if a fee is to be applied before information is to be provided.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
Dear Gerry,
Freedom of Information request F2013-11-2410
We have looked into your request for information about employee claims for car mileage, and our response is attached.
If you need further information please see contact details below.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information
Knowsley MBC
Archway Road
L36 9UX
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