Overseas visits
Dear Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
Please could I see the schedule/agenda and any related memos or briefings for the following overseas visits including details of who the foreign secretary and his staff met with?
1) An official visit of the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to New York and Washington DC on 8 - 9 January 2017
2) A Counter-Da'esh Foreign Ministerial visit to Washington, DC on 21 - 25 March 2017.
I'm very grateful for your time and assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Briant
FOI Request Ref: 0804-19
Dear Dr Emma Briant
Thank you for your FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. It has been assigned a unique reference number (above) and has been passed to the relevant section within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to deal with. They will be in touch with you should your request need clarification.
We received your request on 27 August 2019 and will aim to respond within 20 working days, following date of receipt.
Yours sincerely
Central FoI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear Dr Emma Briant
We are the Team handling your FOI request. Initial searches indicate this will exceed time costs under FOIA and we would be unable to proceed with it. Therefore, in order for us to be able to assist you with your request and better direct our search please could you refine the scope of your request. For example to Part 1 or 2; the UK and the briefings themselves for the information you are seeking?
Once we receive your revised request we will consider it and the appropriate course of action
Yours sincerely
Central FoI Unit (Americas CFOIU)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear FOI-DPA PMCS (Sensitive),
Thank you for your reply, and for the opportunity to refine my request accordingly. Please could I focus the search on the official visit of the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to New York and Washington DC on 8 - 9 January 2017. I am seeking information held in the UK prioritizing information about who meetings were with and the associated briefings. If it exceeds time limit to provide memos, briefings - please provide me with just schedule of meetings or whatever you are able within the limits?
Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Briant,
Thank you for your email. Please could you confirm that this is the refinement email we should be considering? We received additional emails from you (attached). Please confirm we can disregard the attached.
Yours sincerely
Central FOI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Dear FOI-DPA PMCS (Sensitive),
Thank you - yes, that is correct. I did not mean to send a separate new request. Thank you for checking with me to confirm.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
FOI Request Ref: 0804-19
Dear Dr Emma Briant
Please find attached our interim reply to your revised FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Yours sincerely
Central FoI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
This email is intended for the addressee(s) only. All messages sent and received by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office may be monitored in line with relevant UK legislation
available at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisati...
FOI Request Ref: 0804-19
Dear Dr Emma Briant
Please find attached our interim reply to your revised FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We apologise that our response is taking longer than anticipated, but believe we should meet the new date in the attached letter.
Your patience is appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Central FoI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
This email is intended for the addressee(s) only. All messages sent and received by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office may be monitored in line with relevant UK legislation
available at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisati...
Dear FOI-DPA PMCS (Sensitive),
Thank you for your recent email updating me on the status of this request and your continued efforts to assist me. I look forward to receiving the full response by 26 November 2019 as you have explained.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Emma L Briant
Dear Dr Emma Briant
Please find attached our response to your revised FOI request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Yours sincerely
Central FoI Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
This email is intended for the addressee(s) only. All messages sent and received by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office may be monitored in line with relevant UK legislation
available at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisati...
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