Overcharging tenants for furniture in sheltered housing

Stephanie Cryan made this Freedom of Information request to Hyde Housing Association
This authority is not subject to FOI law, so is not legally obliged to respond (details).
This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

Response to this request is long overdue. Although not legally required to do so, we would have expected Hyde Housing Association to have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Hyde Housing Association,
I am emailing you with concerns I have regarding charges to residents at Frank Whymark House. This is an assisted living property with 35 flats and houses elderly and vulnerable residents. I have recently found out that in addition to service charges, residents are being charged a cost for furniture each month. One resident I have visited pays £8.42 per month to cover the cost of one small table, two chairs (one of which split as soon as it was sat on), a wardrobe and a fridge freezer. This charge is deducted every month for the whole length of the tenancy which means that if they live there for 10 years they will have paid almost £4400 which is well in excess of the value of the furniture. In additional all households pay approximately £161 toward the communal furniture which amounts to £5635 per year again this seems extremely excessive. I would therefore like to know the following:

• The original cost of all of the communal furniture
• The original cost of furniture to an individual flat.
• Why are residents being charged throughout the term of their tenancy?
• Will a refund be made for any amounts paid that exceed the value of the furniture.
• Are Hyde Housing making a profit through this arrangement?
• Are there any other assisted housing blocks in Southwark where the same arrangement is in place and does the above also apply?

I am really concerned that residents are being overcharged here and having seen the furniture it is of a very basic standard. I would really like to understand what the charging structure is and how this formula is being applied as many of the residents are on housing benefit and living below the poverty line.

I look forward to hearing from you with a full response.

Yours faithfully,

Cllr Stephanie Cryan
Labour and Co-Operative Coouncillor
Rotherhithe Ward
London Borough of Southwark

Customer Services, Hyde Housing Association

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│ Reporting a Gas/CO2 │ • Call the National Gas Emergency number on │
│ Leak │ 0800 111 999 (24 hours) immediately from a │
│ │ nearby property (don't use a landline or │
│ [1]Gas leaks and │ mobile phone in the affected property) │
│ emergencies │ • Open all doors and windows │
│ │ • Turn the gas off at the meter (unless the │
│ │ meter is located in the cellar/basement) │
│ │ • Put out cigarettes and don't use anything │
│ │ with a naked flame │
│ │ • Don't use electrical equipment │
│ │ • Don't touch light switches as they might │
│ │ cause a spark │
│ Emergency repairs │ An emergency is a repair which threatens │
│ │ your health, safety or security or could cause │
│ [2]Emergency repairs │ significant damage to your home including │
│ │ flooding or total loss of electricity or water. │
│ │ These repairs should be reported by phone on │
│ │ 0800 3282 282 and picking option 1 for │
│ │ emergency gas repairs and option 2 for all │
│ │ other emergency repairs. │
│ All other repairs │ You can report your repair direct to the │
│ │ contractor by filling out our online contact │
│ [3]Report a repair │ form. │
│ contact form │ │
│ Repair │ Information on what Hydes repair │
│ responsibilities │ responsibilities are as a landlord and what │
│ │ your responsibilities are as a tenant or home │
│ [4]Hyde repair │ owner, can be found on our website. │
│ responsibilities │ │
│ Antisocial behaviour │ Use the ASB toolkit on our website to work out │
│ │ what is and is not antisocial behaviour, and │
│ [5]ASB │ what steps you need to take. │
│ Different ways of │ • Direct debit │
│ paying rent and │ • All pay app │
│ service charges │ • Pay online │
│ │ • By telephone │
│ [6]Paying rent and │ • By Hyde payment card │
│ service charges │ • Text message │
│ │ • Recurring payment │
│ │ • Benefits │
│ Supplier enquiries │ If you're chasing payment of an invoice please │
│ │ contact the requester of these good/services │
│ │ directly. │

Kind regards,
The Hyde Group Customer Service Team

Hyde is one of the largest housing associations working in England, owning
or managing circa 50,000 homes in London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire,
the East of England and East Midlands. This means that more than 100,000
residents have a home at a price at which they can afford, with long
tenancies that give them the chance to improve their life chances.


Visible links
1. https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/tenants/r...
2. https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/emergency/
3. https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/contact-u...
4. https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/tenants/r...
5. https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/tenants/a...
6. https://www.hyde-housing.co.uk/tenants/r...