Outline Options for Halifax Bus Station

West Yorkshire Combined Authority did not have the information requested.

Dear West Yorkshire Combined Authority,

Start of request {

I would like to request a copy of the outline options that have been drawn up

"for a new bus station on the existing bus station footprint to enhance the bus station
accessibility, facilities and efficiency of bus services within the town centre."


that "provide additional floor space for development adjacent to the Northgate House site, as well as a direct frontage onto Northgate."

http://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/committee... Item 8, Page 26

} End of request

Yours faithfully

Ruth Chaplin, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments


Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached an acknowledgement letter in respect of your recent
Freedom of Information request concerning the above.


Yours sincerely


Ruth Chaplin | Administration Officer| Democratic Services | West
Yorkshire Combined Authority | Tel: 0113 251 7217




Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk |

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Angie Shearon, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
request concerning the above issue.


Yours sincerely


Angie Shearon | Information Officer | Legal and Democratic Services |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Wellington House | 40-50 Wellington
Street | Leeds | LS1 2DE | Tel: 0113 251 7220


[1]Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CF4DC1.00B061E0


Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

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Dear West Yorkshire Combined Authority,

I am writing to request an internal review of West Yorkshire Combined Authority's
handling of my FOI request ''Outline Options for Halifax Bus Station' WYCA Ref: NW/FOI:354, made by myself on the 10th March 2016.

I am requesting this review for the following reason/s...

Within the response made by the WYCA on the 8th April 2016 it states
" I can confirm that West Yorkshire Combined Authority (“WYCA”) does hold information covered by
your request. However, the information you have requested is owned by Calderdale Council. "

Section 22 of the FOI Act states...
"22.—(1) Information is exempt information if— Information
(a) the information is held by the public authority with a view to its intended for future publication.
publication, by the authority or any other person, at some
future date (whether determined or not),"

It has been indicated that the requested information that is held by the WYCA is not intended to be published by the WYCA.

I am of the belief that to withhold this information under section 22 of the act, the act should read in between "the information is held by the public authority" & "with a view to its intended for future publication." the words 'or any other authority'. However it does not and for that reason I do not believe it is possible to withhold the requested information under the act, as section 22 covers FOI Requests submitted to the authority, that holds the requested information with "a view to its intended for future publication." but, not to other public authorities that hold the same information with no-intention to publish the information themselves, as is the case here!

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...

Yours faithfully,

Angie Shearon, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached an acknowledgement letter in respect of your request
for an internal review into your Freedom of Information enquiry concerning
the above issue.  This relates to FOI:354.


Yours sincerely


Angie Shearon | Information Officer | Legal and Democratic Services |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Wellington House | 40-50 Wellington
Street | Leeds | LS1 2DE | Tel: 0113 251 7220


[1]Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CF4DC1.00B061E0


Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

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Dear Angie Shearon,

Thank you for your quick and timely response.

Yours faithfully,

Angie Shearon, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached a response in respect of your recent request for an
internal review into your Freedom of Information enquiry concerning the


Yours sincerely


Angie Shearon | Information Officer | Legal and Democratic Services |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Wellington House | 40-50 Wellington
Street | Leeds | LS1 2DE | Tel: 0113 251 7220


[1]Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CF4DC1.00B061E0


Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

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michael bradley

Dear Angie Shearon,

Regarding your response dated 19th May 2016,

The ICO may advise “that “any other person”, as stated in
Section 22 (1) (a), “means an individual or a body corporate; a public authority or a private
organisation.”, however the legislation is specific to “the authority or any other person,”. Clearly ‘the authority’ without a doubt is ‘the authority’ to which the information has been requested from. With regards to ‘any other person’ previous responses made by your organisation clearly states the name of your organisation and whenever or not you (your organisation) holds or doesn’t hold the requested information. In all FOI Requests made to your organisation at no-point I have ever received a response stating that the person dealing with my request either holds or doesn’t hold the requested information. Thus implying that it is the authority that holds the information and not any individual person. This appears to be the case with most other organisations/bodies subject to the FOI Act.

Regarding your response dated 8th April 2016,

Due to that this “public awareness session” has now taken place, please can you provide a copy of the outline designs from which artists impressions were drawn up by Cartwright Pickard Architects for the purpose of interpretation.

Yours faithfully

Angie Shearon, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached an acknowledgement letter in respect of your recent
Freedom of Information enquiry concerning the above matter.


Yours sincerely


Angie Shearon | Information Officer | Legal and Democratic Services |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Wellington House | 40-50 Wellington
Street | Leeds | LS1 2DE | Tel: 0113 251 7220


[1]Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CF4DC1.00B061E0


Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

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Angie Shearon, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached a response to your recent Freedom of Information
enquiry concerning the above matter.


Yours sincerely


Angie Shearon | Information Officer | Legal and Democratic Services |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Wellington House | 40-50 Wellington
Street | Leeds | LS1 2DE | Tel: 0113 251 7220


[1]Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CF4DC1.00B061E0


Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

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Dear West Yorkshire Combined Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am requesting this review into the FOIR made by myself on the 10th March 2016, WYCA Ref: NW/FOI:354 and the FOIR made by the WYCA on the 3rd June 2016, WYCA Ref: ASS/FOI:354 for the following reasons...

1. The response I received dated 8th April 2016 in relation to FOIR made by myself on the 10th March 2016 when I requested the outline options of this new bus station for Halifax town centre, informed me that the “that West Yorkshire Combined Authority (“WYCA”) does hold information covered by your request.” This information was subsequently withheld under section 22 and was later failed to be published at anticipated date of publication.

2. The response I received dated 22nd June 2016 in relation to a query I had made on the 1st June that was treated as a FOIR by the WYCA, regarding the aforementioned information that wasn’t published at the anticipated date of publication I was informed that the “West
Yorkshire Combined Authority (“WYCA”) does not hold information covered by your request.”

If this information has been destroyed or lost for whatever reason. Please provided the reason as this will determine whenever or not to approach the Information Commissioner.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/o...

Yours faithfully,

Angie Shearon, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached a response in respect of your recent request for an
internal review into your Freedom of Information enquiry concerning the


Yours sincerely


Angie Shearon | Information Officer | Legal and Democratic Services |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Wellington House | 40-50 Wellington
Street | Leeds | LS1 2DE | Tel: 0113 251 7220


[1]Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CF4DC1.00B061E0


Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

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Facebook at [4]http://facebook.com/westyorkshiremetro



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Angie Shearon, West Yorkshire Combined Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Bradley


Please find attached a response in respect of your recent request for an
internal review into your Freedom of Information enquiry concerning the


Yours sincerely


Angie Shearon | Information Officer | Legal and Democratic Services |
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Wellington House | 40-50 Wellington
Street | Leeds | LS1 2DE | Tel: 0113 251 7220


[1]Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CF4DC1.00B061E0


Combined Authority Website at [2]www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk

Follow us on: Twitter at [3]http://twitter.com/metrotravelnews or on
Facebook at [4]http://facebook.com/westyorkshiremetro



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