Outbound systems usage
Dear Rochdale Boroughwide Housing,
I understand that some Housing Associations use automatic calling systems to contact tenants for various reasons including those who may be in arrears with their rent payments. I also understand that the use of automated calling systems is subject to Ofcom’s Persistent Mis-use Statement (December 2016) and UK Data Protection Legislation and enforced by the Information Commissioners Office.
I’d like you to provide the following information in this regard:
1/ Does your organisation use an automatic calling system or systems to contact tenants?
If so,
2/ Who is the manufacturer/provider of the system?
3/ How long have you been using the system?
4/ For what specific purpose(s) do you use the system?
5/ Can you demonstrate Ofcom compliance through system reports?
6/ Does the system provide a mechanism to prevent specific tenants from being called?
I look forward to receiving your reply soon.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Brown
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Dear [FOI #539191 email],
Thank you for contacting RBH. Your e-mail has been received and will be
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Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm.
RBH Contact Centre
Visit us at [4]rbh.org.uk or talk to us on 0800 027 7769
Sandbrook House | Sandbrook Way | Rochdale | OL11 1RY
Rochdale Boroughwide Housing Limited is a charitable community benefit
society. FCA register number 31452 R
Registered Office: Sandbrook House, Sandbrook Way, Rochdale OL11 1RY
Registered as a provider of social housing. RSH register number: 4607
Visible links
1. file:///tmp/cid:filelist.xml@01D434A2.512320F0
2. file:///tmp/~~themedata~~
3. file:///tmp/~~colorschememapping~~
4. http://www.rbh.org.uk/
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