NHS South East London ICB
160 Tooley Street
Email: xxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx
Dear Mr Bennett,
Reference: FOI.22.SEL240
15 March 2023
Re: Freedom of Information request
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 made to NHS South East
London Integrated Care Board (SEL ICB).
Your Request
Out of hours providers
1. Contract Region / area name
South East London which covers the following Boroughs:
2. Provider name - I would like to know all out of hours providers in your ICB please.
Hurley Group
Bromley GP Alliance
Bromley Healthcare
3. Partner provider name (if applicable)
Not applicable.
4. Current OOH (Out of Hours) Providers
SELDOC is the provider for Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark.
Greenbrook Healthcare is the provider for Greenwich and Bromley.
Hurley Group is the provider for Bexley.
Bromley GP Alliance, Bromley Healthcare and Greenbrook Healthcare are the providers for Bromley.
Copyright and Re-Use of Public Sector Information
The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the
Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act 1988. You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you
are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial
publication and subscription charge, would require the permission of the copyright holder. This can
be obtained via an application for an open government licence (OGL) under the
Re-Use of Public
Sector Information Regulations 2015.
Use of information expressly made available under this licence indicates your acceptance of the
terms and conditions as set out in the OGL.
To make an application for re-use you must:
• Make a request in writing to the address below,
• State the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence,
• Specify the document to be re-used,
• State the purpose for which the document is to be re-used
Postal address:
NHS South East London ICB
160 Tooley Street
For information where the copyright is owned by another person or organisation, you must apply to
the copyright owner to obtain their permission to re-use. Further guidance for re-users can be found
NHS South East London ICB complies with the
Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015
and we encourage the re-use of the information that we produce, hold and disseminate. We are
open and transparent, and treat all applications to re-use in a fair and non-discriminatory way.
Privacy Notice (formerly known as Fair Processing Notice)
We will record your contact and request details in order to monitor and improve the service we
provide and in order to discharge our statutory obligations under the Act. This information will be
handled in accordance with the NHS Confidentiality Code of Practice and the
Data Protection Act
Using personal data we provide
You are required not to use personal data which is provided to you for electronic marketing
(telesales, fax, e-mail) to our staff and comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC
Directive) Regulations 2003. Provision of such personal data in response to a Freedom of
Information or Environmental Information request does not constitute consent from the individual
Data Protection Act gives individuals rights to prevent processing likely to cause substantial
unwarranted damage or unwarranted distress (section 10) and to prevent processing for the
purposes of direct marketing (section 11). You should be aware that selling, giving or sharing of
personal data could breach the
Data Protection Act.
Review procedure
If you feel that we have not met the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, you
should contact the FOI Team at:
If you remain dissatisfied, you can ask us to review our decision by making a written request for an
internal review. In order to assist with the review, you should include your address, a description of
the original request and the reasons why you are dissatisfied. Please send this to:
Postal address:
NHS South East London ICB
160 Tooley Street
The review will be handled by more senior staff who were not involved in the original decision.
Although this will not apply to Section 36 claimed exemptions in accordance with Department of
Health Directive, your request will still be reviewed. We aim to complete all internal reviews within
20 working days. If you then wish to appeal you should contact the Information Commissioner for an
independent review at the following address:
The Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Tel: 0303 123 1113
: www.ico.gov.uk
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Team