Out of County Mental Health Patient Spending and Support

The request was partially successful.

Dear Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust,

I am writing to you to make a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Can you please provide me with:

• The number of patients currently detained under section in out of county institutions aged under 25 yrs old.
.. How many of this group have been detained out of county for over 1 year?
.. How many of this group have been detained out of county for over 2 years?
.. What percentage of this group of patients have a regular visit from a Kent & Medway representative at least once a month to see them and to monitor their progress? If not visited once a month - how often should they expect a monitoring visit from Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust?
.. How many of this group are currently at St Andrews Haelathcare Essex?

• The number of patients currently detained under section in out of county institutions aged 25 years and over.
.. How many of this group have been detained out of county for over 1 year?
.. How many of this group have been detained out of county for over 2 years?
.. What percentage of this group of patients have a regular visit from a Kent & Medway representative at least once a month to monitor their progress? If not visited once a month - how often should they expect a monitoring visit from Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust,?
.. How many of this group are currently at St Andrews Haelathcare Essex?

How does Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust scrutinise the large amount of money being given to these out of county institutions is being spent to improve and progress the lives of these vulnerable patients?

Please could you tell me how many times arranged and planned escorted leave for their own out of county patients has been cancelled on the day due to staff shortages at St Andrews Healthcare Essex ?
From January 2018 - to date this year?
In 2017?

What is the maximum number of parcels that your out of county patients (often many miles from home) at St Andrews, Essex are allowed to receive a month ?

How does Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust ensure that the very expensive and proposed therapies at St Andrews Healthcare Essex are available to all Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trustout of county inpatients? Are staff levels and availability regularly monitored by the trust spending such huge amounts of money with this institution?

In the last 5 years what has been the longest period in which a Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust out of county patient has been left without a monitoring visit from someone from Kent responsible for reviewing their progress?

How does Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust assess the accuracy of the recent report by PA Consulting 'Blazing a Trail for Mental Health Care by Prioritising Patients Needs' describes an accurate assessment of St Andrews Essex?

Yours faithfully,

C Harrison

Ig (KENT AND MEDWAY NHS AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP TRUST), Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Sirs


Request for Information


I write further to your request FOI ID 15925 under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 regarding:-


Out of county patient spending and support


Following an investigation and search of our records I can confirm the
following Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT)


 1. The number of patients currently detained under section in out of
county institutions aged under 25 yrs old.

a.         How many of this group have been detained out of county for
over 1 year?


b.         How many of this group have been detained out of county for
over 2 years?


c.          What percentage of this group of patients have a regular visit
from a Kent & Medway representative at least once a month to see them and
to monitor their progress? If not visited once a month - how often should
they expect a monitoring visit from Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care
Partnership Trust?


d.         How many of this group are currently at St Andrews Healthcare


Due to the low numbers involved in the response to your request I would
like to confirm that we are unable to release the information. We are not
obliged, under section 40 (2) FOIA to provide information that is personal
information of another person if releasing would contravene any of the
provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. In this instance we believe
that  the figures are significantly low enough that identification of
those involved could be made, and would therefore contravene the first
Data Protection principle, therefore section 40 (2) is engaged.

The terms of this exemption in the freedom of information act mean that we
do not have to consider whether or not it would be in the public interest
for you to have the information.


 2. The number of patients currently detained under section in out of
county institutions aged 25 years and over.




a.         How many of this group have been detained out of county for
over 1 year?




b.         How many of this group have been detained out of county for
over 2 years?




c.          What percentage of this group of patients have a regular visit
from a Kent & Medway representative at least      once a month to monitor
their progress?  If not visited once a month - how often should they
expect a monitoring visit from Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care
Partnership Trust,?




d.         How many of this group are currently at St Andrews Healthcare


Due to the low numbers involved in the response to your request I would
like to confirm that we are unable to release the information. We are not
obliged, under section 40 (2) FOIA to provide information that is personal
information of another person if releasing would contravene any of the
provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. In this instance we believe
that  the figures are significantly low enough that identification of
those involved could be made, and would therefore contravene the first
Data Protection principle, therefore section 40 (2) is engaged.

The terms of this exemption in the freedom of information act mean that we
do not have to consider whether or not it would be in the public interest
for you to have the information.


 3. How does Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
scrutinise the large amount of money being given to these out of
county institutions is being spent to improve and progress the lives
of these vulnerable patients?


Funding for specialist out of area beds is managed by the Clinical
Commissioning Group, therefore we are unable to assist with this question.


 4. Please could you tell me how many times arranged and planned escorted
leave for their own out of county patients has been cancelled on the
day due to staff shortages at St Andrews Healthcare Essex ?

a.         From January 2018 - to date this year?

b.         In 2017?


As this question relates to the St Andrews Healthcare, KMPT would not hold
this information and therefore are unable to assist.


 5. What is the maximum number of parcels that your out of county patients
(often many miles from home) at St Andrews, Essex are allowed to
receive a month ?


As this question relates to the St Andrews Healthcare, KMPT would not hold
this information and therefore are unable to assist.



 6. How does Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust ensure
that the very expensive and proposed therapies at St Andrews
Healthcare Essex are available to all  Kent and Medway NHS and Social
Care Partnership Trust out of county inpatients?  Are staff levels and
availability regularly monitored by the trust spending such huge
amounts of money with this institution?


KMPT are unable to comment on any costs of treatment provided by another


 7. In the last 5 years what has been the longest period in which a  Kent
and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust out of county patient
has been left without a monitoring visit from someone from Kent
responsible for reviewing their progress?


188 days


 8. How does Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust assess
the accuracy of the recent report by PA Consulting 'Blazing a Trail
for Mental Health Care by Prioritising Patients Needs' describes an
accurate assessment of St Andrews Essex?


KMPT are unable to comment on another organisation.


I confirm that the information above/attached completes your request under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am also pleased to confirm that no
charge will be made for this request.


If you have any queries about this response please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communication


Yours Sincerely


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Leanne McDougall PC.dp PC.foi CertHE-Law

Head of Information Governance


Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

Information Governance Department

St Michaels House

St Michaels Road


Kent, ME10 3DW


01795 514507

07468 763793


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Twitter: kmptnhs

Facebook: kmpt.nhs




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