OT Assessment Waiting List Numbers - HA
Dear FOI team,
Please provide the following information in email format:
1. Number of residents currently awaiting an OT assessment
2. How many OT assessments have been requested from the LA in the past 12 months.
3. Average waiting time for an OT assessment
4. If your organisation uses independent OT services
5. If so average cost paid per assessment.
6. Name, email and contact number of person responsible in your organisation who is or would be responsible for the decision to commission independent OT assessments.
Yours faithfully,
Nikki Thompson
Good morning Nikki,
Thanks for your email enquiry.
We have passed this request onto DGHP Company Secretary & Data Protection
Officer, who will reply to you in due course.
Kind regards
Colleen Wells
Customer Service Centre
Galloway House
The Crichton
01387 242880
From: Nikki Thompson <[FOI #573483 email]>
Sent: 02 May 2019 15:37
To: Customer Service Mailbox <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - OT Assessment Waiting List
Numbers - HA
Dear FOI team,
Please provide the following information in email format:
1. Number of residents currently awaiting an OT assessment
2. How many OT assessments have been requested from the LA in the past 12
3. Average waiting time for an OT assessment
4. If your organisation uses independent OT services
5. If so average cost paid per assessment.
6. Name, email and contact number of person responsible in your
organisation who is or would be responsible for the decision to commission
independent OT assessments.
Yours faithfully,
Nikki Thompson
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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Dear Nikki,
Thank you for your request.
DGHP is not subject to the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and
as such are unable to provide the information sought in your request. For
your information, the RSL sector will be subject to the legislation from
11 November 2019.
Kind Regards,
Eilidh Mowat | Company Secretary
DGHP | Grierson House | The Crichton
Bankend Road | Dumfries | DG1 4ZS
Direct Dial: 01387 242544 | Internal: 52544
Email: [1][email address]
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The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries. DG1 4ZS Tel: 0800 011 3447. Dumfries
and Galloway Housing Partnership Limited is also a registered Scottish
charity (OSCR No. SC039896). Property Factor Registered Number PF000358.
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