OT Assessment Waiting List Numbers - HA
Dear FOI team,
Please provide the following information in email format:
1. Number of residents currently awaiting an OT assessment
2. How many OT assessments have been requested from the LA in the past 12 months.
3. Average waiting time for an OT assessment
4. If your organisation uses independent OT services
5. If so average cost paid per assessment.
6. Name, email and contact number of person responsible in your organisation who is or would be responsible for the decision to commission independent OT assessments.
Yours faithfully,
Nikki Thompson
Hi Nikki
Thank you for your email. Freedom of Information for Housing Association's has not been passed through Government yet, this will hopefully be in place for 11th November 2019 (this date is estimated) however, please find our answers below.
Q1. Number of residents currently awaiting an OT assessment
A1. The association does not have these figures as tenants contact OT direct for assessment.
Q2. How many OT assessments have been requested from the LA in the past 12 months.
A2. The association does not request OT assessments this is the responsibility of the tenant.
Q3. Average waiting time for an OT assessment
A3. We do not hold this information.
Q4. If your organisation uses independent OT services
A4. We do not use independent OT Services
Q5. If so average cost paid per assessment.
A5. Not Applicable
Q6. Name, email and contact number of person responsible in your organisation who is or would be responsible for the decision to commission independent OT assessments.
A6. This is a service we do not use however it would be myself Frances Cunningham, Senior Corporate Services Officer
We only receive reports once OT assessement has been carried out.
If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Frances Cunningham – Senior Corporate Services Officer
Craigdale Housing Association
83/85 Dougrie Road
Glasgow, G45-9NS
Tel: 0141-634-6473
Fax: 0141-631-3151
Email: [email address]
Website: www.craigdaleha.co.uk
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