Organogram/Structure Chart 2017/2018

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Barnet and Southgate College should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Barnet and Southgate College,

Please can you provide me with the Colleges latest Organogram/Structure Chart.

Yours faithfully,

Gioia Capuano

Course Information,

Thank you for contacting Barnet & Southgate College’s Course Information
team. We aim to reply to your query within 5 working days but if your
query is urgent please go to our website ([1]
where you will find further information on all of our current courses or
alternatively go to either our Facebook page
([2] or our Twitter page
([3] where you will find further
information or will be able post further questions. If none of these
options answers your query and it is urgent please ring 020 8266 4000.


If your query is not course related please go to our website for further
contact details [4]


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* Barnet and Southgate College is a highly successful further education college with around 14,000 students of all ages from 14 years upwards.

* The College occupies three main campuses: Southgate, Wood St in High Barnet and Colindale, with three additional training centres in Edmonton Green, Hospitality House in East Finchley and SCBP in Enfield.

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