Organisational Structures

The request was partially successful.

Dear East Dunbartonshire Council,

I hope you are well.

Please may you provide us with the team managers and service managers names for all of the social work adult teams, along with their email addresses and/or telephone numbers would be a great help.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Broadley

East Dunbartonshire Council

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East Dunbartonshire Council

3 Attachments

Dear Sir / Madam
Please see attached response to your freedom of information request on
behalf of East Dunbartonshire Council.
Kind regards

(See attached file: FOI16455 - Organisational Structures - Response due

David Aitken
Interim Head of Adult Services
East Dunbartonshire Health & Social Care Partnership
Kirkintilloch Health Care Centre
10 Saramago Street
G66 3BF
Tel: 0300 123 4510
Email: [email address]

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From: "Sam Broadley" <[FOI #952885 email]>
To: "FOI requests at East Dunbartonshire Council"
<[East Dunbartonshire Council request email]>
Date: 21/02/2023 09:08
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Organisational Structures

Dear East Dunbartonshire Council,

I hope you are well.

Please may you provide us with the team managers and service managers names
for all of the social work adult teams, along with their email addresses
and/or telephone numbers would be a great help.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Broadley


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