Requests similar to 'Organisational structure charts LD placements'

Education Structure chart request
Response by Cardiff Council to Nicole Vandermeulen on .

Information not held

Annwyl Ms Vandermeulen Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI21249. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad...
Structure chart request
Response by Cardiff Council to Leah Overend on .

Partially successful

Annwyl Ms Overend Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI19549. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewno...
Org Chart- Highways, Traffic and Transportation
Response by Cardiff Council to Leah Kimber on .

Partially successful

Annwyl Ms Kimber Diolch am eich cais Cyfeirnod eich ymholiad yw: FOI21853 Os bydd angen unrhyw wybodaeth ychwanegol arnom er mwyn prosesu eich ca...
Children and Adult Services
Response by Cardiff Council to Kaye Fleming on .


Annwyl Ms Fleming Diolch am eich cais Cyfeirnod eich ymholiad yw: FOI22150 Os bydd angen unrhyw wybodaeth ychwanegol arnom er mwyn prosesu eich c...
Care Homes
Response by Cardiff Council to George Smith on .

Awaiting classification

Annwyl Mr Smith Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI18493. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewnol....
Social Care Frameworks & Agency Spend
Response by Cardiff Council to Andrew Paterson on .

Awaiting classification

Annwyl Mr Paterson Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI19169. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewn...
Childrens and Adults services - contacts
Response by Cardiff Council to Emma Brown on .

Long overdue

Annwyl Ms Brown Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI18728. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewnol....
IT Information
Response by Cardiff Council to Danielle Cesenek on .


Annwyl Mrs Cesenek Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI16649. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewn...
Recruitment and Agency spend for FY 23/24 & 24/25 (FOI Request)
Response by Cardiff Council to James Salt on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr William Thank you for your request for information about: 1. Please provide the names, job titles, and any contact details (email addresses...
Contact information for Social Services
Response by Cardiff Council to Vicki Aspinall on .


Annwyl Ms Aspinall Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI21161. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewn...
Cases of abuse
Response by Cardiff Council to E G Douglass on .


Annwyl Mr/Ms Douglas Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI19629. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad me...
Dear Ms Gleich Thank you for your request for information about : I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the follo...
Dear Ms Spin Thankyou for your email requesting a review of FOI21424 Your reference number is REV00437 Regards Information Governance Team- Tim...
Freedom of Information Act request
Response by Cardiff Council to Alun Davies on .


Dear Mr Davies Your request for review has been closed as you have not responded to our previous correspondence. Regards Information Governance...
Dear Mr Benjamin Your request for review has been closed as your request is now being dealt with as FOI19437. Regards Information Governance Tea...
Magistrates Court Summons
Response by Cardiff Council to Craig Salter on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear Mr Salter Your Freedom of Information request has been closed. We have passed your request to the relevant service area to respond to you dire...
FOI request - banking and insurance
Response by Cardiff Council to Monika Nielsen on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Ms Nielsen Your Freedom of Information request has been closed as we believe it to be a duplicate of your request which was assigned reference...
Dear Ms Williams Your Freedom of Information request has been closed as you .have already requested this information. You requested an Internal Rev...
Voter Registration - 16-17 year olds in Secure Accommodation
Response by Cardiff Council to Robert Jones on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Mr Jones Thank you for your Freedom of Information request relating to Senedd Elections. This request has been closed as you have already subm...
Council tax rebate status 2022
Response by Cardiff Council to Carolyn Tuson on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Tulson Thank you for your Freedom of Information request relating to Council tax rebate status 2022. This request has been closed as you h...
Council tax rebate status 2022
Response by Cardiff Council to Carolyn Tuson on .

Awaiting classification

Annwyl Ms Tuson Thank you for your Freedom of Information request relating to Council tax rebate status 2022. This request has been closed as you...
Council tax rebate status 2022
Response by Cardiff Council to Carolyn Tuson on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Tuson Thank you for your Freedom of Information request relating to Council tax rebate status 2022. This request has been closed as you ha...
O2 Academy Brixton police investigation
Response by Cardiff Council to Cardiff Civic Society on .

Information not held

Dear Ms Lloyd - Pierce Your Freedom of Information request has been closed as the information requested does not fall within the scope of FOI.  Ther...
Sales, Fees and Charges
Response by Cardiff Council to phil spring on .


Annwyl Mr Spring Rydym wedi atodi ymateb i’ch cais : FOI21189. Os ydych yn anfodlon ar ymateb y Cyngor mae gennych hawl i ofyn am adolygiad mewnol...
Usable and unusable reserve accounts
Response by Cardiff Council to Huw on .

Awaiting classification

Annwyl Mr - Mae eich cais wedi’i gau gan nad ydych wedi ymateb i’n gohebiaeth flaenorol. Cyflwynwch gais newydd os ydych yn dymuno cael y wybodaet...