Organisation Chart
Dear Derby College,
Can you please provide me with your latest organisation chart including names and departments they work in.
Yours faithfully,
Debbie Sharpe
Dear Debbie
Please accept this e-mail as acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information request. We aim to respond to your request within 20 working days.
Kind regards
Cheryl Tacchi |Freedom of Information|
Derby College – The Roundhouse - Pride Park - Derby DE24 8JE
Direct line: 0300 1237890| Ext: 4890 |
Dear Debbie
Please find attached Derby College Group’s response to you Freedom of
Information request dated 4 May 2020.
Kind regards
Cheryl Tacchi |Freedom of Information |
Derby College – The Roundhouse - Pride Park - Derby DE24 8JE
Direct line: 0300 1237890| Ext: 4890 |
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