Oracle or SAP ERP Solutions
Dear Southampton City Council,
Here is an FOI Request from Support Revolution:
Are you running an Oracle or SAP ERP solution?
If so, what version are they currently running on and which modules are you using?
Are you planning to upgrade in the next 12-18 months?
Do you have plans to move to a SAAS model?
Do you have plans to migrate our current ERP to a cloud Solution?
Do you run Oracle Databases?
If so what versions, are you planning an upgrade in the next 12 – 18 months?
Do you own perpetual Oracle Licences, do you Pay Oracle directly or through a shared service or other framework?
Do you own Perpetual SAP Licences, do you Pay SAP directly or through a shared service or other framework?
What is the value of the SAP Support contract and when does it renew?
What is the value of the Oracle support contract and when does it renew?
Who is commercially responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle and/or SAP renewals?
Do you currently work with any SAP or Oracle third party support providers?
Yours faithfully,
Luke Thurlow
Thank you for contacting Southampton City Council.
Your enquiry will be passed to the relevant team/officer for action.
If you have made a request for information, you will receive a response
promptly, and within the statutory timeframe for compliance. Once your
request has been logged, you will receive further details of this, and you
may be contacted if we require further information from you.
Due to unprecedented challenges facing the Council during the coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic, resources are being diverted from service areas, so
that key services can be provided. As such, there may be a delay in
providing you with the information requested within the statutory
The Council is will still process your request promptly, and you will
receive a response as soon as possible. I hope that this is understandable
during this extraordinary period.
If you have any queries, please contact the Council's Corporate Legal Team
on 023 8083 2129.
This email is confidential but may have to be disclosed under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004 or
data protection legislation. If you are not the person or organisation it
was meant for, apologies, please ignore it, delete it, and notify us. SCC
does not make legally binding agreements or accept formal
notices/proceedings by email. E-mails may be monitored. This email (and
its attachments) is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it
is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged and/or
confidential. If it has come to you in error, you must take no action
based on it, nor must you copy or show it to anyone.
Dear Luke Thurlow,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. On review, the Council
considers that it is not obliged to comply with this request in accordance
with section 14 of the FOIA, as the request has been deemed to be a
repeated request.
The Council is already considering a request from for identical
information under reference FOI-2021-0250, and the Council requested
clarification from you on the 20/07/2020. We currently await your response
to this request for clarification.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be
submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your
original letter and should be addressed to:
Service Director – Legal and Governance
Southampton City Council
Civic Centre
SO14 7LT
Email: [1][email address]
Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113
Fax: 01625 524510
Email: [2][email address]
Nathan Matterson
Information Governance Officer
Legal & Governance
Southampton and Fareham Legal Services Partnership
Southampton City Council
Tel: 023 8083 3000 (switchboard)
[3]@SouthamptonCC [4]
This email is confidential but may have to be disclosed under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004 or
data protection legislation. If you are not the person or organisation it
was meant for, apologies, please ignore it, delete it, and notify us. SCC
does not make legally binding agreements or accept formal
notices/proceedings by email. E-mails may be monitored. This email (and
its attachments) is intended only for the use of the person(s) to whom it
is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged and/or
confidential. If it has come to you in error, you must take no action
based on it, nor must you copy or show it to anyone.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
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