Oracle or SAP ERP Solutions
Dear Office of the Leader of the House of Commons,
Here is an FOI Request from Support Revolution:
Are you running an Oracle or SAP ERP solution?
If so, what version are they currently running on and which modules are you using?
Are you planning to upgrade in the next 12-18 months?
Do you have plans to move to a SAAS model?
Do you have plans to migrate our current ERP to a cloud Solution?
Do you run Oracle Databases?
If so what versions, are you planning an upgrade in the next 12 – 18 months?
Do you own perpetual Oracle Licences, do you Pay Oracle directly or through a shared service or other framework?
Do you own Perpetual SAP Licences, do you Pay SAP directly or through a shared service or other framework?
What is the value of the SAP Support contract and when does it renew?
What is the value of the Oracle support contract and when does it renew?
Who is commercially responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle and/or SAP renewals?
Do you currently work with any SAP or Oracle third party support providers?
Yours faithfully,
Luke Thurlow
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