We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James Couldwell please sign in and let everyone know.

Oracle or SAP ERP Solutions

We're waiting for James Couldwell to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear The Consumer Council for Water,

Here is an FOI Request from Support Revolution:

Are you running an Oracle or SAP ERP solution?
If so, what version are they currently running on and which modules are you using?
Are you planning to upgrade in the next 12-18 months?
Do you have plans to move to a SAAS model?
Do you have plans to migrate our current ERP to a cloud Solution?
Do you run Oracle Databases?
If so what versions, are you planning an upgrade in the next 12 – 18 months?
Do you own perpetual Oracle Licences, do you Pay Oracle directly or through a shared service or other framework?
Do you own Perpetual SAP Licences, do you Pay SAP directly or through a shared service or other framework?
What is the value of the SAP Support contract and when does it renew?
What is the value of the Oracle support contract and when does it renew?
Who is commercially responsible for looking after the contract for the Oracle and/or SAP renewals?
Do you currently work with any SAP or Oracle third party support providers?

Yours faithfully,

James Couldwell

Riaz Natalja, The Consumer Council for Water

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Couldwell


I refer to your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act) on 20^th February 2020. You requested the
following information:-


“Dear The Consumer Council for Water,


Here is an FOI Request from Support Revolution:


Are you running an Oracle or SAP ERP solution?

If so, what version are they currently running on and which modules are
you using?

Are you planning to upgrade in the next 12-18 months?

Do you have plans to move to a SAAS model?

Do you have plans to migrate our current ERP to a cloud Solution?

Do you run Oracle Databases?

If so what versions, are you planning an upgrade in the next 12 – 18

Do you own perpetual Oracle Licences, do you Pay Oracle directly or
through a shared service or other framework?

Do you own Perpetual SAP Licences, do you Pay SAP directly or through a
shared service or other framework?

What is the value of the SAP Support contract and when does it renew?

What is the value of the Oracle support contract and when does it renew?

Who is commercially responsible for looking after the contract for the
Oracle and/or SAP renewals?

Do you currently work with any SAP or Oracle third party support


Yours faithfully”


Under the Act, public authorities have two duties to individuals requiring
information: firstly to confirm whether or not they hold the information
requested, and secondly to provide a copy of that information unless one
of the exemptions provided by the Act apply.


I confirm that on this occasion CCWater holds some of the information you
have requested, and CCWater’s response underneath is set out below.


Are you running an Oracle or SAP ERP solution?

Answer: No


If so, what version are they currently running on and which modules are
you using?

Answer: Not Applicable


Are you planning to upgrade in the next 12-18 months?

Answer: Not Applicable


Do you have plans to move to a SAAS model?

Answer: Not Applicable


Do you have plans to migrate our current ERP to a cloud Solution?

Answer: Not Applicable


Do you run Oracle Databases?

Answer: Yes


If so what versions, are you planning an upgrade in the next 12 – 18

Answer: Not Applicable


Do you own perpetual Oracle Licences, do you Pay Oracle directly or
through a shared service or other framework?

Answer: We do not own perpetual licenses. We pay annually.


Do you own Perpetual SAP Licences, do you Pay SAP directly or through a
shared service or other framework?

Answer: No


What is the value of the SAP Support contract and when does it renew?

Answer: Not Applicable


What is the value of the Oracle support contract and when does it renew? 

Answer: It is a part of our annual licence fee.


Who is commercially responsible for looking after the contract for the
Oracle and/or SAP renewals?

Answer: Dean Baker


Do you currently work with any SAP or Oracle third party support

Answer: No


Further information and complaints


If you are unhappy with the way that your request has been handled you
have the right to request an internal review. Any internal review will be
conducted by a member of staff that has not been involved in the handling
of the request. You can request an internal review by contacting:-


Data Protection Officer

Consumer Council for Water

1^st Floor, Victoria Square House

Victoria Square


B2 4AJ


[1][email address]


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you can
apply to the Information Commissioner. Complaints to the Information
Commissioner should be sent to:-


FOI/EIR Complaints Resolution

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Yours sincerely


Natalja Riaz

Information Analyst


Direct line 0121 345 1036

1st floor, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B2 4AJ

Visit our website: [2]www.ccwater.org.uk

Follow us [3]@CCWvoice


[4]CCW - Email Footer Design - 23768 - BLUE ARTWORK




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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are James Couldwell please sign in and let everyone know.