Edinburgh Trams Ltd
1 Myreton Drive,
Edinburgh, EH12 9GF
T 0131 338 5760
Registered in Scotland No. 96849
Vat No. 7900906 27
Mr Alexander Davidson
3 July 2019
Reference: 20190608
Dear Mr Davidson,
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 – Release of Information
Thank you for your request for information of 8 June 2019.
Your request has been processed and considered under the terms of the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002. Your request for information has been considered and information is provided
How many Twitter accounts are currently blocked by your @EdinburghTrams Twitter
There are currently 30 Twitter accounts blocked by Edinburgh Trams. This decision
has been undertaken under our Online Interaction Policy which I have appended to this
document and goes into detail our criteria surrounding how we moderate our social
media sites. This can also be found on our website.
Please can you provide a list of each of these Twitter accounts that are currently
blocked by your @EdinburghTrams Twitter account?
Under GDPR law, this would constitute personal data which we are unable to disclose.
How many Twitter accounts are currently muted by your @EdinburghTrams Twitter
There are currently zero Twitter accounts muted by Edinburgh Trams.
Please can you provide a list of each of these Twitter accounts that are currently muted
by your @EdinburghTrams Twitter account?
There are currently zero Twitter accounts muted by Edinburgh Trams.
How many staff are currently employed to run your Twitter account?
There has been no staff member specifical y recruited to run our Twitter account.
Which depot or office or location are the people who run your Twitter account based
All our staff are based at the Gogar Tram Depot, address as above.
Do your staff who run your Twitter account solely do this job or do they do it as well as
other customer service work like answering phone calls and emails for example?
Those who run our Twitter account also fulfil positions within Marketing,
Communications, Operations and Customer Relations.
Predominantly, our Customer Relations Officers are responsible for interactions with
customers on social media. They also perform duties such as responding to emails, live
chat, SMS and answering telephones. Our Marketing posts are created by our Assistant
Marketing Manager who has a host of additional responsibilities associated with their
Can you please provide a job description of the job of the people who run your Twitter
Please see attachments to this letter.
Your right to seek a review
If you have made a request and are unhappy with the response from us (or have not had a
response), you have the right to request a review from us. You can do this by writing to the:
Managing Director
Edinburgh Trams
1 Myreton Drive
EH12 9GF
Telephone: 0131 338 5774
Please note:
• Your request must be in a recordable format (email, letter, audio tape etc.)
• You have 40 working days upon receipt of this letter to ask for a review.
• You wil receive a full response to your review request within 20 working days of its
• Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Appealing to the Commissioner
If you have already been through the two steps of making your request and requesting a review
and are stil not happy, you can appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner
• You must submit your complaint to the Commissioner within 6 months of receiving our
review response.
You can request an appeal by accessing the
Online Appeal Service on the Commissioners’
website. This is the best way to make an appeal, it provides help in real time and collects exactly
what the Commissioner needs so they can investigate your case quickly.
k here to access the online appeal service.
If you don’t wish to appeal online, you can contact the Commissioner. Your appeal must be in a
format that can be kept for future use, e.g. in writing, by email or a recording on an audio or
video tape.
Send your appeal by email
If you want to send your appeal by email, you should send your email to
Send your appeal by post
If you want to send your appeal by post, you should send your letter to:
Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
If you need help making an appeal you can contact the Commissioner’s Office:
l: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Telephone: 01334 464610
You can find further information on making an appeal on the Commissioner’s website. Clic
k here.
Website www.itspublicknowledge.info
Further information about your rights and accessing information is available on our website
(www.edinburghtrams.com) in the Freedom of Information Section.
Yours sincerely,
Tom Neil
Finance Manager
Online Interaction Policy
This document describes the guidelines for comment moderation and online
interactions including emails and social media.
Edinburgh Trams has a number of online communication channels. We encourage
interaction from the public however we also ask that everyone respects the rules and
guidelines either in place by the social media network or as set out in our own policy.
We reserve the right to remove, ignore or block any activity or accounts that break
these rules.
We ask the public and company moderators to use online communication channels in
the spirit it was intended. By this we mean:
Be civil, tasteful & relevant
Do not use inappropriate language
Do not be harassing, defamatory, violent, aggressive, libellous,
argumentative or discriminatory
Do not trol
Do not post from fake accounts
Do not spam
Edinburgh Trams is committed to the following standards:
Timeliness – we will respond to comments (if appropriate) as soon as
Honesty – we will not attempt to hide the truth. We will be honest but
without being libellous.
Accuracy – if we make an error, we will be honest about it and do all we
can to correct it.
Integrity – we will be mindful of content posted in the public domain.
We will try not to be too formal or too scripted. Instead we will try convey individual’s
personality while respecting the company values to be
Trusted, Innovative, Passionate and
If you have been blocked, you can continue to contact us via one of our other channels.
Please refer to our ‘Contact Us’ page for more information.
Parent Document: Health & Safety Management System: ET.CRM.1.15 - Online Interaction
Customer Relations Officer
Reports to: Customer Experience Manager
1 Overall focus and purpose of role
To provide ‘Excel ence for Edinburgh’ by improving the overall customer experience through delivering an exceptional level of
communications with our customers and colleagues. This will primarily be achieved by managing our customer comments
through traditional channels and other Operational Control Centre systems. Provide a key part in the delivery of operational
service and provide accurate information to customers via the Team Leaders and Ticketing Services Assistants in a timely
manner. .
Note: In addition to these functions, employees are required to carry out such other duties as may reasonably be required
2 Key activities and deliverables
Key activities
Respond to all communications received directly from Comments should be responded to as soon as practically
customers or from other sources. This includes social media possible but no more than 24 hours later. High satisfaction
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TripAdvisor and Website – evidenced through Tram Passenger Survey, ICS UK CSI &
Live Chat), email, telephone, letter and Travelshops.
Mystery Shopper.
Respond to all other customer requests including sales, Requests should be responded to as soon as practically possible
refunds, mobility scooter permits and priority seating badges. but no more than 24 hours later. High satisfaction evidenced
through Tram Passenger Survey, ICS UK CSI & Mystery
Lead on Operations Control Centre customer & colleague High satisfaction evidenced through Tram Passenger Survey,
communications systems such as help points, PIDs, PAs, ICS UK CSI & Mystery Shopper. Customer Relations
mass text messaging and depot intercom.
correspondence remain within KPI target.
Liaise with relevant departments to help collate responses to Comments should be responded to as soon as practically
customer comments. This may include interviewing TSAs or possible but no more than 24 hours later. Comprehensive
seeking information from 3rd parties such as Lothian Buses, responses sent with few complaints being escalated to Senior
City of Edinburgh Council, Parkeon, TRAMCO and INFRACO. Customer Relations Officer.
Liaise with Team Leaders on a variety of operational High satisfaction evidenced through Tram Passenger Survey,
activities, including customer service provisions and first line ICS UK CSI & Mystery Shopper. Customer Relations
maintenance of TVMs.
correspondence remain within KPI target.
Liaise with the relevant department to ensure marketing Less than 5% of comments being received being in regards to
information is up-to-date including website, literature and provision of information.
Provide support to the Company as and when required. This Positive feedback received from other business areas about
includes performing duties out with your normal role where your contribution to the team. Spare duties are utilised
appropriately trained. For example, supporting the wherever possible.
Operations Control Centre during times of disruption or
covering reception or assisting with customer service and/or
revenue protection duties.
Log all customer comments received as per the customer Weekly and period reports demonstrate response times in line
relations management system requirements.
with service standards. For example, replies within 24 hours.
Produce weekly and period reports.
Period reports delivered to Customer Experience Manager
within 48 hours of period end and of high quality.
Conduct in-house customer satisfaction surveys.
Evidenced through results from in-house surveys and cross
checked with Tram Passenger Survey, ICS UK CSI, Mystery
Shopper and Customer Relations correspondence.
Champion the Company’s vision and values both internally Behaviours demonstrated are in line with Company values;
and externally.
Trusted, Innovative, Passionate & Smart.
Aim to resolve customer complaints in your first response.
Comprehensive responses sent with few request for further
information and even fewer complaints being escalated to
Senior Customer Relations Officer.
Continually develop a suite of template customer responses.
Responses to be comprehensive with few requiring further
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Customer Relations Officer
Reports to: Customer Experience Manager
Provide customer feedback to relevant departments where Heads of Departments able to demonstrate knowledge of
common themes within their area.
Build effective relationships with col eagues, service Positive feedback received internally and externally through
providers, stakeholders and customers.
one-to-ones and client liaison meetings.
Ensure competency is maintained against competency Post training, all staff fully competent against competency
standards for role.
management standards with no ‘R-Review’ outcomes issued
Support the team in terms of implementing and delivering a Evidenced through Tram Passenger Survey, ICS UK CSI,
strategic plan that improves customer experience.
Mystery Shopper & Customer Relations correspondence.
Assist with the recruitment of new Ticketing Services Employment offers made to candidates of high quality who
Assistance. For example, facilitating assessment centres and positively contribute to the Company’s customer experience.
participating in interview panels.
4 Supervisory responsibilities/position in structure
Reports to Customer Experience Manager
Supports Senior Customer Relations Officer, Team Leaders, Controllers and Management & Support Team
This role has no direct reports.
5 Business/financial impact: Budgets, key numbers (e.g. headcount)
Prime (P): Controlling (shared accountability is only delegated)
Shared (S): Jointly accountable, exercising a controlling impact
Contributory (C): Interpreting, advising or facilitating
Remote (R): Information gathering or recording
Customer commendations/complaints (S):
Overall customer satisfaction (S)
Information provision (C)
Performance reporting (R)
6 Contacts Inside the Company
Contacts Outside the Company
Leading (L), Influencing (I), Contributing (C)
Ticketing Services Assistants (I)
TSA Team Leaders (I)
Infraco (Siemens)
Drivers (I)
Tramco (CAF)
Controllers (I)
City of Edinburgh Council
Duty Managers (I)
Management Team (C)
Lothian Buses
Admin Support (C)
7 Key Attributes – Essential (E) or Desirable (D)
Standard Grade in English Language and Mathematics or equivalent (E)
Significant experience of working with customers, while providing excellent customer service (E)
Significant experience of working within an environment where health and safety compliance impacted on the working
practises (E)
Experience in working within a call centre environment (D)
2 of
Customer Relations Officer
Reports to: Customer Experience Manager
Experience in complaint handling particularly via email, telephone and social media (D)
Knowledge (all essential)
A working knowledge of operations within the transport sector, ideally rail or tramways.
A working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications
A knowledge of Edinburgh Trams ‘Ambassador for Edinburgh’ training
Skills and abilities (all essential)
Analyse, understand and communicates effectively with others verbally and in writing
Excellent customer focus
Question and interview others to establish facts, proof and evidence
Influencing, persuading and motivating others
Personal qualities (all essential)
Demonstrates emotional control and resilience
Demonstrates robust interpersonal skills (e.g. understanding, independence and fairness while focusing on business
needs and establishing professional boundaries)
Establish and maintain effective working relationships with others that fosters and propagates team working
Flexibility (in terms of working hours and scope of role)
Motivation (all essential)
Strong commitment to customer service excellence
Proactive approach to work focusing on continuous improvement
Prepared by:
Dean Anderson
Customer Experience Manager
16th October 2017
Approved by:
Sue Bucher
HR Manager
1st December 2017
3 of
Assistant Marketing Manager
Reports to: Marketing Manager
Overall focus and purpose of role
To assist the Marketing Manager with the implementation of marketing plans across all business areas
where we have identified there is the potential to collect/generate more sales revenues.
Note: In addition to these functions, employees are required to carry out such other duties as may
reasonably be required
Key activities and deliverables
Key activities
Marketing Strategy Delivery
To assist the Marketing Manager with the
Follow plans and instructions to deliver the
delivery of marketing and sales activities
required outcome
Manage Sales Activities
Manage sales activities across the network and
Deliver sales activities identified by the
identify where additional opportunities may arise management team and report any other
Manage sales at Edinburgh Airport
Ensure that our sales activity plan at Edinburgh
Deliver Airport sales activity plan
Airport are delivered
Ensure the availability of customer
information collateral across the network
Maintain the availability of customer information
Ensure collateral is available at all times and
collateral at our stockists
report when stocks require ordering.
Support the sales and organisation of group
or special bookings
Support the customer relations team with group
Assist with the booking process and facilitate
or special bookings
their travel requirements if needed
Maintaining relationships with event
organisers and stakeholders
To work with event organisers to ensure that
Build relationships with local stakeholders and
Edinburgh Trams has the best available
deliver the best possible outcomes. Ensure the
opportunities to increase sales
Marketing Manager receives feedback on
stakeholder expectations and experiences
Support the customer relations and revenue
protection team as and when required.
Work with the customer relations team, TSA’s
To provide additional support during events and
and event staff where required
for sales activities where required
Supervisory responsibilities/position in structure
Reports to Marketing Manager (and Managing Director when Marketing Manager not
Supports the Marketing and Communications Officer
Manages Ticketing Services Team Leaders and Assistants at the Airport and during events
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Assistant Marketing Manager
Reports to: Marketing Manager
Business/financial impact:
Prime (P): Controlling (shared accountability is only delegated)
Shared (S): Jointly accountable, exercising a controlling impact
Contributory (C): Interpreting, advising or facilitating
Remote (R): Information gathering or recording
Contributes to management of the Marketing budget (C)
Contacts Inside the Company
Contacts Outside the Company
Leading (L), Influencing (I), Contributing (C)
Marketing and Communications team (C)
Edinburgh Airport (C)
TSA’s at the Airport (I)
Event organisers (I)
Event staff (I)
Other sales related stakeholders (I)
Customer Relations staff (C)
Key Attributes – Essential (E) or Desirable (D)
Experience (All Essential)
Experience in Sales and Marketing
Experience in Event Management.
Skills and abilities (All Essential)
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Excellent interpersonal skills
An ability to forge strong relationships with stakeholders.
An innovative and critical approach to problem solving
Personal qualities (All Essential)
Confident in dealing with customers and stakeholders
Flexibility (in terms of working hours).
Prepared by:
Jamie Swift, Marketing Manager, 28th March 2018
Approved by:
Sue Bucher, HR Manager. 5th April 2018
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Document Outline