Onsite injuries to children

The request was partially successful.

Dear Coton Primary School, Cambridgeshire,

Please can you confirm how you record incidents of children’s injuries obtained at the school and how you indentify if the incident was suspect or confirmed as a result of bullying. How far back do those records go and how detailed are they.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Querino

Office at Coton Primary, Coton Primary School, Cambridgeshire

Dear Mr Querino,


We have sought advice from our School’s DPO.  They have advised that we
will respond to your Subject Access Requests (SAR’s) upon receipt of the
completed forms we emailed across to you on Wednesday, 3^rd April.   They
have verified that we are legally obliged to share with you the
information we hold on yourself and your children.  However, in order to
comply with 2018 DPA, we will need a separate form to be sent directly
from your wife.


Whilst we await your completed forms; we can answer the other 2
questions.  Our response to these are as follows:


“Please can you confirm how you record incidents of children’s injuries
obtained at the school and how you identify if the incident was suspect or
confirmed as a result of bullying. How far back do those records go and
how detailed are they”.


Children’s injuries, incidents and incidents of Bullying are recorded in
line with


All such incidents are investigated and categorised: gender, including
sexism; ethnicity; disability; religion; gender identity; sexual identity
and  homophobia. Incidents of bullying are categorised as to the type of
bullying: verbal; physical; isolating; cyber; property and teasing.  We
also record what sanctions have been imposed and whether or not parents
have been informed. All behaviour incidents are logged by academic year
and by class. 


We have a first-aid book where all minor injuries are stored and a copy is
returned to parents as the incident occurs following a face to face
conversation, phone call, or email


As a school, we comply with the IRMS retention guidance



2.4 Health and Safety
Basic file Data Statutory Retention Action at the
description Protection Provisions Period end of the
Issues [Operational] administrative
life of the
2.4.1 Health and No   Life of SECURE
Safety policy + 3 DISPOSAL
Policy years
2.4.2 Health and No   Life of risk SECURE
Safety Risk assessment + DISPOSAL
Assessments 3 years
2.4.3 Records Yes   Date of SECURE
relating to incident + 12 DISPOSAL
an accident years
/ injury at
work In the case
of serious
accidents, a
period will
need to be
2.4.4 Accident Yes Social Security   SECURE
Reporting (Claims and DISPOSAL

1979 Regulation
25. Social

Act 1992
Section 8.
Limitation Act
  Adults     Date of the SECURE
incident + 6 DISPOSAL
  Children     DOB of the SECURE
child + 25 DISPOSAL
2.4.5 Control of No Control of Current year SECURE
Substances Substances + 40 years DISPOSAL
Hazardous to Hazardous to
Health Health
2002. SI 2002
No 2677
Regulation 11;
Records kept
under the 1994
and 1999
Regulations to
be kept as if
the 2002
Regulations had
not been made.
Regulation 18
2.4.6 Process of No Control of Last action + SECURE
monitoring Asbestos at 40 years DISPOSAL
of areas Work
where Regulations
employees 2012 SI 1012 No
and persons 632 Regulation
are likely 19
to have
become in
contact with
2.4.7 Process of No   Last action + SECURE
monitoring 50 years DISPOSAL
of areas
and persons
are likely
to have
become in
contact with
2.4.8 Fire No   Current year SECURE
Precautions + 6 years DISPOSAL
log books


As a school, we comply with the IRMS retention guidance



5.1 Pupil’s Educational Record
Basic file Data Statutory Retention Action at the
description Protection Provisions Period end of the
Issues [Operational] administrative
life of the
5.1.1 Pupil’s Yes The Education    
Record (Pupil
required by Information)
The Education
(Pupil (England)
Information) Regulations
Regulations 2005 SI 2005
2005 No. 1437
  Primary     Retain whilst The file should
the child follow the
remains at pupil when
the primary he/she leaves
school the primary
school. This
will include:


·         to
another primary

·         to a

·         to a
pupil referral

·         If
the pupil dies
whilst at
primary school
the file should
be returned to
the Local
Authority to be
retained for
the statutory


If the pupil
transfers to an
transfers to
home schooling
or leaves the
country the
file should be
returned to the
Local Authority
to be retained
for the


Primary Schools
do not
ordinarily have
storage space
to store
records for
pupils who have
not transferred
in the normal
way. It makes
more sense to
transfer the
record to the
Local Authority
as it is more
likely that the
pupil will
request the

from the Local


5.1.3 Child Protection Yes “Keeping If any records SECURE
information held children safe in relating to DISPOSAL –
on pupil file education these
Statutory child protection records MUST
guidance for issues be shredded
schools and
are placed on the
colleges March pupil
2015”; “Working
together to file, it should
safeguard be in a
children. A
guide to sealed envelope
inter-agency and then retained
working to for the same
safeguard and period of time as
promote the the pupil file.
welfare of
children March
5.1.4 Child protection Yes “Keeping DOB of the child SECURE
information held children safe in + 25 DISPOSAL –
in separate education these
files years then review records MUST
Statutory be shredded
guidance for This retention
schools and period was agreed
colleges March in consultation
2015”; “Working with the
together to Safeguarding
safeguard Children Group on
children. A the

guide to understanding
inter-agency that the
working to
safeguard and principal copy of
promote the this
welfare of
children March information will
2015” be found on the
Local Authority
Social Services



Also please provide details of how the information in your visitors/late
book is catergorised is it subject to ICO regulation.  If this information
needs to be sent in separate requests due to time constraints please let
me know and I will send multiple requests”

We have a daily signing in sheet for parents (when children are late)

We have a daily signing in sheet for our visitors

We have a separate signing in sheet for governors

We comply with IRMS retention guidance for our signing in sheets.  We
comply with ICO


1.4 Operational Administration
Basic file Data Statutory Retention Action at the
description Protection Provisions Period end of the
Issues [Operational] administrative
life of the
record the
1.4.1 General file No   Current year + SECURE DISPOSAL
series 5 years then
1.4.2 Records No   Current year + STANDARD
relating to the 3 years DISPOSAL
creation and
publication of
the school
brochure or
1.4.3 Records No   Current year + STANDARD
relating to the 1 year DISPOSAL
creation and
distribution of
circulars to
staff, parents
or pupils
1.4.4 Newsletters and No   Current year + STANDARD
other items 1 year DISPOSAL
with a short

operational use
1.4.5 Visitors’ Books Yes   Current year + SECURE DISPOSAL
and Signing in 6 years then
1.4.6 Records No   Current year + SECURE DISPOSAL
relating to the 6 years then
creation and REVIEW

management of
Parent Teacher
and/or Old


If you require any additional clarification with respect to our response,
please contact our Data Protection Officer at [4][email address]


If you are at all unhappy on how your Subject Access Request is being
dealt with you are advised to escalate your concerns with the ICO,


We look forward to receiving your completed paperwork in due course so
that we can ensure your request is dealt with within the calendar month as
per GDPR Article 15.


Kind regards.


Ishbel Coleman


Coton C of E (VC) Primary School

Whitwell Way



CB23 7PW.

Tel: 01954 210339

Website: [6]www.coton.cambs.sch.uk



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