ONE North East Complaints Policy & Handling of FOI Requests

The request was successful.

Dear One North East,

This request under the FOI Act is made in relation to the ONE North East Complaints Policy as per: and the handling of FOI requests that are managed by the same policy.

This FOI request is to be treated separately to, and not aggregated with, any other FOI requests made by me that is current (within the last 20 working days) or remains outstanding and overdue. I believe that the provision of information relating to this request should be readily to hand and therefore within the "appropriate limit".

I would be grateful if you could provide information relating to the following for the period 1st April 2008 through to 30th April 2010:

Number of formal complaints that have been submitted, withdrawn, rejected and upheld.

Number of formal complaints personally handled and investigated by the Head of Legal that have been withdrawn, rejected and upheld.

Number of formal complaints that have been completed within 20 working days.

Number of formal complaints that have exceed 20 working days and where an updated timescale has been provided to the complainant. Please provide a list (complaint title, received date, completed date) of all complaints that have exceeded 20 working days together with total number of working days for completion of the associated final report.

Number of formal complaints that have progressed through to formal appeal, have been withdrawn, have been rejected and have been upheld.

Number of complaints and/or appeals that have progressed through to external complaint (eg Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills, Government Office for the North East/Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government etc.)

Number of external complaints (eg arising from complaints to Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills, Government Office for the North East/Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government etc) that have been withdrawn, have been rejected and have been upheld.

Number of litigation cases arising out of formal complaints and/or appeals, withdrawn, rejected, upheld.

Amount of money spent by ONE North East on external legal advice and/or support services provided either as part of a framework agreement "call off" contract or specifically contracted to assist with litigation cases arising out of formal complaints and/or appeals (including external complaints as above).

Amount of money spent on compensation arising out of litigation in connection with formal complaints and/or appeals (including external complaints as above).

Amount of employees who have been suspended whilst undergoing investigation relating to a formal complaint, appeal, litigation or otherwise (including external and internal complaints including misconduct etc.). Please provide number, duration and action taken or otherwise in a similar format to

Number of FOI requests received.

Number of FOI request acknowledgements either by telephone, email, post or website response (eg sites like this) within 1 working day.

Number of FOI request acknowledgements either by telephone, email, post or website response (eg sites like this) after 1 working day.

Number of FOI requests that have not been acknowledged.

Number of FOI request responded to with complete responses (including responses to clarifications) either by telephone, email, post or website response (eg sites like this) within 20 working days.

Number of FOI request responded to with complete responses (including responses to subsequent clarifications) either by telephone, email, post or website response (eg sites like this) after 20 working days.

Number of FOI requests with responses provided by ONE North East that mentioned "appropriate limit".

Number of FOI requests with responses provided by ONE North East that mentioned "appropriate limit" and where a fee was determined and clearly communicated.

Number of FOI requests with responses provided by ONE North East that mentioned "appropriate limit" and where a fee was determined and found to be within the "appropriate limit".

Number of FOI requests where further information was not provided following an "appropriate limit" response by ONE North East .

Number of FOI requests that were outside the "appropriate limit" and where a fee was determined by ONE North East and that fee was paid to ONE North East prior to the completion of the FOI investigation.

Number of FOI requests that were outside the "appropriate limit" and where a fee was determined by ONE North East and that fee clearly communicated but where that fee was not paid to ONE North East and the FOI request subsequently closed.

Number of FOI requests that have not been responded to in full together with date received for each FOI request falling into this category.

Yours faithfully,

James Burke

Nicola Barnett, One North East


Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("the

Thank you for your e-mail received 30 April 2010 in which you made 24
requests for certain information from One North East.

I can confirm that we have begun our investigation into your query and
expect to revert to you within the 20 day deadline.

Nicola Barnett

Specialist Advisor

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6817

È07733 465 964

6 0191 229 6227

* [email address]



show quoted sections

Dear Nicola Barnett,

Please clarify if you would like this articulated into "1 request".

Yours sincerely,

James Burke

James Burke left an annotation ()

FOI response received today: