On-street Motorcycle Parking
Dear Leeds City Council,
Please provide:
1. A list of locations and numbers of on-street motorcycle parking spaces in Leeds city centre as of 1 December 2019
2. A list of locations and numbers of on-street motorcycle parking spaces in Leeds city centre as of 1 December 2023
3. A map of current on-street motorcycle parking spaces in Leeds city centre that includes details of one way routes, bus gates and other restrictions that might affect access to them
4. Processes, policies and guidelines relating to the provision or removal of on-street motorcycle parking
Yours faithfully,
Marcus Houlden
Dear Marcus Houlden,
Re: Environmental Information Regulations Request M25A0NHN0
I refer to your request to the council received on 14/12/2023 for the
Please provide: 1. A list of locations and numbers of on-street motorcycle
parking spaces in Leeds city centre as of 1 December 2019 2. A list of
locations and numbers of on-street motorcycle parking spaces in Leeds city
centre as of 1 December 2023 3. A map of current on-street motorcycle
parking spaces in Leeds city centre that includes details of one way
routes, bus gates and other restrictions that might affect access to them
4. Processes, policies and guidelines relating to the provision or removal
of on-street motorcycle parking
We will respond to your request in accordance with the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004, within 20 working days, from the day after
your request was received. We will therefore aim to respond to your
request by 15/01/2024.
For reference, Leeds City Council publish a wealth of information which
you can access at: Welcome to LEEDS.GOV.UK - Leeds City Council and Data
Mill North – Open Data for the North of England .
If your request for information is considered and deemed as a 'business as
usual' request, it will be responded to by the appropriate Service within
the Council.
If you have questions about this request, please contact us at
[Leeds City Council request email].
Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Milner
Information Management and Governance,
Integrated Digital Services
Dear Marcus Houlden,
Re: Environmental Information Regulations Request M25A0NHN0.
I refer to your correspondence to the council and your request for the
Questions 1 and 2. [1. A list of locations and numbers of on-street
motorcycle parking spaces in Leeds city centre as of 1 December 2019 and
2. 1 December 2023]
This information is publicly accessible on the Leeds City Council website
here [1]https://leeds.traffweb.app/traffweb/1/Tr....
To view the relevant information for December 2019. The steps would be 1)
on the legend tool deselect all categories except ‘parking bays & areas’
2) deselect all items of parking except ‘Motor Cycle Parking Place’. 3)
use the calendar tool titled ‘parking active on:’ to change the date to
the 1^st of December 2019.
These steps can be repeated for 1st December 2023
Question 3 [3. A map of current on-street motorcycle parking spaces in
Leeds city centre that includes details of one way routes, bus gates and
other restrictions that might affect access to them]
We do not hold this information. Similar information on bus gates and
restrictions in the city centre is available
here [2]https://leedscitysquare.commonplace.is/e...
could be cross referenced with information that is publicly available - as
advised in response to question 1 and 2 regarding motorcycle parking
Question 4 [4.Processes, policies and guidelines relating to the
provision or removal of on-street motorcycle parking]
We do not have codified processes as such relating to the provision or
removal of on-street motorcycle parking. Each situation relating to the
provision or removal of on-street is judged on it’s own merits and with
regard to the wider context of the use of that section of highway.
We do have various policies and/or guidelines that make specific reference
to motorcycle parking, that will where appropriate inform decision making.
Our primary policies are publicly available in our ‘Connecting Leeds
Transport Strategy’ available
here [3]https://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/documents... Leeds
Report Appendix 1A 111021.pdf and our ‘Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy
Action Plan’ available
here [4]https://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/documents... Leeds
Report Appendix 2 111021.pdf
Other policies and guidelines that are more specific and could relate to
certain contexts; include our Transport SPD publicly available
here [5]https://www.leeds.gov.uk/docs/transport%... our ‘Leeds
StreetScape Space Allocation Policy and Application’ publicly available
here [6]https://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/documents...
trust that this response is satisfactory. Under Regulation 11, however,
you are entitled to make representations to us if it appears that we have
failed to comply with a requirement of the Regulations in relation to your
request. Representations must be made to us no later than 40 working days
after the date you believe we failed to comply with such a requirement.
We will then consider your representations and supporting evidence and
decide if we have complied, notifying you of our decision as soon as
possible, and no later than 40 working days after the date of receipt of
your representations.
Under Regulation 18, you are then entitled to apply to the Information
Commissioner for a decision as to whether, in any specified respect, your
request has not been dealt with in accordance with parts 2 and 3 of the
Should you wish to contact the Commissioner’s Office then you can contact
the Commissioner via their website at [7]www.ico.gov.uk
I trust that this is self-explanatory. If you have any queries please
contact me on 0113 3784251, or by return email to [Leeds City Council request email].
Yours sincerely
Althea Brown
Information Governance Officer
Information Management & Governance
Integrated Digital Services
The information in this email (and any attachment) may be for the intended
recipient only. If you know you are not the intended recipient, please do
not use or disclose the information in any way and please delete this
email (and any attachment) from your system.
The Council does not accept service of legal documents by e-mail.
Legal notice: Leeds City Council contracts on the basis of a formal
letter, contract or order form. An e-mail from Leeds City Council will not
create a contract unless it clearly and expressly states otherwise. For
further information please refer
to: [8]https://www.leeds.gov.uk/councillors-and...
Visible links
1. https://leeds.traffweb.app/traffweb/1/Tr...
2. https://leedscitysquare.commonplace.is/e...
3. https://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/documents...
4. https://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/documents...
5. https://www.leeds.gov.uk/docs/transport%...
6. https://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/documents...
7. http://www.ico.gov.uk/
8. https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlo...
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