On-site telephony services

The request was partially successful.

Dear Royal Central School of Speech and Drama,

I would like to make an FOI request for information on your on-site telephony services.
All points below should be considered to apply to your Swiss Cottage, Bankside and St Peter’s sites.

1. The kind and manufacturer of systems in use on your sites. For example; on-site analogue PBX, on-site VoIP PBX, cloud-hosted VoIP PBX.

2. The yearly maintenance costs for these systems, including any applicable software licensing fees.

3. The total cost of outgoing calls made in each of the last three calendar, financial or academic years (whichever is easiest for you).

4. The quantity of
(a) physical analogue phones,
(b) physical digital IP phones, and
(c) virtual soft phones connected to your systems.

5. The quantity of
(a) users/extensions,
(b) hunt groups,
(c) call queues,
(d) IVR menus,
(e) user voicemail boxes, and
(f) shared voicemail boxes hosted on your systems.

6. The quantity of PSTN numbers owned and used.

7. The routing logic for incoming DDI PSTN numbers. For example:
- DDI 020 7123 45XX = extension 98XX
- DDI 020 7123 67XX = extension 24XX
If DDIs are assigned ad-hoc then please provide a ‘cheat sheet’ of extension number to DDI number. For example:
- DDI 020 7123 4567 = extension 9812
- DDI 020 7123 4568 = extension 2273
- DDI 020 7123 4569 = extension 4182
If there is a combination of ranges and ad-hoc numbers, please provide both.

Yours faithfully,
James Brown

Dear Royal Central School of Speech and Drama,

Further to my request dated 28 September 2020, I am yet to receive a response. Can you please acknowledge receipt of my request and advise when I should expect a response.
As I’m sure you are aware, the Freedom of Information Act normally requires a prompt response, within 20 working days at the latest. I appreciate that there may be delays due to the current situation, but this has not been indicated thus far.

Yours faithfully,
James Brown

FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,

The School has responded to each of your FOI requests.

Yours Sincerely,

Abigail Fitch-Hickson

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Dear Abigail,

My apologies, I do not seem to have received a response to this request (‘On-site telephony services’). I appreciate I may have confused matters by submitting multiple requests simultaneously.

If you could re-send the information requested, I would be most grateful.

My thanks.

Yours sincerely,
James Brown

FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,

Please see below the School's response to your FOI request:

1. The kind and manufacturer of systems in use on your sites. For example; on-site analogue PBX, on-site VoIP PBX, cloud-hosted VoIP PBX.
Spitfire, Onsite VoIP PBX

2. The yearly maintenance costs for these systems, including any applicable software licensing fees.
Combined with monthly charge below

3. The total cost of outgoing calls made in each of the last three calendar, financial or academic years (whichever is easiest for you).
£3132.00 per month

4. The quantity of

(a)physical analogue phones,

(b)physical digital IP phones, and
circa 200

(c)virtual soft phones connected to your systems.
10 (not widely used)

Apologies that this response has been delayed, the collation of data was impacted by the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Yours Sincerely,

Abigail Fitch-Hickson

Kind Regards,
Abigail Fitch-Hickson
Assistant Academic Registrar
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

For Vital Student Information and procedures relating to COVID-19 click here

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
University of London
Eton Avenue
Main: +44 (0) 20 7722 8183 (Internal ext. 2572)

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Dear FOI,

Do you hold the information outlined in points 5 through 7?

Yours sincerely,
James Brown

FOI, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Dear James Brown,


Please see below the additional information requested:



5. The quantity of


(a) users/extensions,



(b) hunt groups,



(c) call queues,



(d) IVR menus,


(e) user voicemail boxes, and



(f) shared voicemail boxes hosted on your systems.




6. The quantity of PSTN numbers owned and used.




7. The routing logic for incoming DDI PSTN numbers. For example:





Yours Sincerely,


Abigail Fitch-Hickson



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