Ofsted Action Plan
Dear Steiner Academy Bristol,
Please provide the Ofsted Action Plan for Steiner Academy Bristol. Please provide the original version and any updated versions.
Yours faithfully,
Ms Darling
Dear Ms Darling
I am emailing to confirm that we have received your Freedom of Information
request for:
"the Ofsted Action Plan for Steiner Academy Bristol. Please provide the
original version and any updated versions."
We will begin processing this immediately.
Following the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act we have 20 school working
days to either:
* Provide you with the information you have requested
* If we are unable to provide this information. To inform you as to why
we can't provide the data referring to a relevant exemption in the FOI
Following this you should expect a response by no later than the 22nd
November 2019.
If you have any questions at this time, please let me know.
Yours sincerely
Joseph Atkinson
Data Officer
Steiner Academy Bristol
Dear Ms Darling
Thank you for getting in touch regarding your request for "The Ofsted
Action Plan for Steiner Academy Bristol".
I am writing to confirm that the "Ofsted Action Plan" is also the same as
the "School Improvement Plan" that was shared with you on the 18th October
As we have shared this with you recently and as there are no new
iterations of the School Improvement Plan/Ofsted Action Plan, as a school
we have no legal obligation to reshare the document. However, I have taken
the decision to re-attach what was previously shared with you below.
As explained previously, the school's current working School Improvement
Plan/Ofsted Action Plan also includes ongoing sections which directly
relate to the current day to day operations which may impact individuals
and processes within the school.
Therefore, although we are happy to share the original documents with the
updated progress and changes as of July 2019, we are unable to share the
current working section of the document. This is as the release of the
working section may have a negative impact on daily school operations.
We have come to this decision following guidance from our Data Protection
Officer and the [1]ICO website. Under Section 36(2)(c) of the Freedom of
Information Act, a public authority can be exempt from sharing information
if, in the reasonable opinion of a qualified person, the sharing of this
information "would otherwise prejudice, or would be likely otherwise to
prejudice, the effective conduct of public affairs".
Please let me know if you have any questions.
We ask that you please confirm that you have received this information. If
we do not receive confirmation from you within 14 days we will consider
the request met and the matter closed.
Many thanks
Joseph Atkinson
Data Officer
Avanti Gardens School
Visible links
1. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/gui...
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