Offer Holders from SE Asia in the past 5 years
Dear University of Cambridge,
May I know the following information about applicants from the following countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia)?
- Country
- UCAS Cycle (From 2014 - 2015 to 2018 - 2019)
- College applied to
- Course applied to
- Interview/Admissions Exam Score
- Predicted grades, if available
- Type of offer made (conditional/unconditional), and specific conditions if conditional)
Should you deem any of these as revealing information, please feel free to conceal it in the final published data. Thank you!
Yours faithfully,
J. Lee
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your reference number is given in the subject line of this email. We will respond on or before 28 May 2019.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary's Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
Dear FOI,
Just to clarify; are the results entitled "2018", for example, belonging to students who will begin their first year at Cambridge in 2018, rather than 2019?
If this is the case, is it possible at all for me to receive the results for the 2019-2020 application cycle as well?
Yours sincerely,
Jack Lee
Dear Mr Lee,
Thank you for your email. As per the notes we supplied, the 2018 Apply Year "ran from applications opening in September 2017 to Confirmation in August 2018" and therefore (unless deferred) entry in Michaelmas Term (autumn) 2018. Although the 2019 Apply Year remains in progress, as you have only asked about offer-holders we could supply this data as well. Please let us know if you would like us to do so.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary’s Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
Dear FOI,
Yes, I'm sorry for not having clarified better initially. I would greatly appreciate that; thank you so much!
Yours sincerely,
Jack Lee
Dear Mr Lee,
Apologies for the delayed reply; we are generating this extra data and it will be sent to you next week.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary’s Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
Dear Mr Lee,
Please now find attached an updated full file of data that includes the 2019 Apply Year.
Freedom of Information Office
University of Cambridge
Registrary’s Office, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
T: (01223 7)64142
F: (01223 3)32332
E: [email address]
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