Response and Information Unit
Crown Office
25 Chambers Street
Edinburgh EH1 1LA
0300 020 3000
Paul Croft
Text Relay prefix: 18001
By email:
Our ref: R-01265-21
21 May 2021
Dear Paul Croft,
I refer to your e-mail of 17 May 2021 in which you requested the following
information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA):
Following a response from a previous FOI made by me in which you responded to
the below:
'Please provide a current list of offence codes and descriptors used within the
COPFS in order to code cases and identify offences libelled in a complaint.'
Could you please provide the same information with the addition of classifying each
as to whether they are a statutory or common law offence?
Please refer to ‘ANNEX A – Charge codes & descriptors (R-01265-21)’ - Excel
spreadsheet, attached to the email for this response.
If you are dissatisfied with the COPFS response to your FOI request, you have the
right to ask us to review it. Your review request should be made within 40 working
days of receipt of this letter; please e-mail and we will reply within
20 working days of receipt. The review will be undertaken by a member of the
COPFS FOI unit who was not involved in the original consideration of your request.
Under section 47(1) of FOISA if the COPFS position is unchanged following a
review you have the right to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner within
six months of receiving the review.
Under section 48(c) of FOISA that right of appeal might be limited as it can be
subject to what information is requested. It is for the Scottish Information
Commissioner to decide if he will accept your appeal on a case by case basis.
Yours sincerely
H Hart
Response and Information Unit