Off street parking - The Green -
Dear Beaumaris Town Council, Anglesey,
(1)Could you please inform me when or if an OSPO (Off street parking order) has been applied to The Green regarding camper vans staying overnight, and when this was granted / made legal
(2)If a campervan exceeds the evening exit time what PCN code is applied(Parking Charge Notice) to the parking ticket and is the reason explained / written in the PCN ?
Yours faithfully,
G K Jones
Dear Sir,
With regards to your request, please receive below responses
1) An OSPO has not been applied to the Green regarding Camper Vans
2) If a Camper Van exceeds the evening exit time - a PCN is not applied.
Your sincerely
G Parry
Town Clerk
Dear Beaumaris Town Council, Thank you for your reply regarding off street parking
Yours sincerely,
G K Jones
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