Ofcom methodology with respect to determining the level of received interference at amateur radio stations
Dear Office of Communications,
Some Spectrum Abuse cases are now in the public domain and have given rise to concern regarding Ofcom methodology with respect to determining the level of received interference at amateur radio stations.
In Reference: Case No. 1-138815822 Ofcom states, that interfering signals are “not in our opinion likely to cause sufficient impact on your ability to use your amateur installation.” whilst the public domain evidence (e.g. http://bit.ly/1au44Qd ) hints this may not be correct.
In [Reference: Case 1-238092472, Ofcom states, “We have studied the HF Radio Amateur Bands at your location and cannot find any significant radio interference sources.” Again a review of the available evidence (http://bit.ly/15ed2NJ) suggests Ofcom have not acted in good faith or
as an independent, efficient, effective or honest regulator.
1. Please will Ofcom both explain and provide any documentation which demonstrates the scientifically verifiable metric used in each of these cases to determine the degree of interference to the victim.
2. In each case please supply the details of the equipment used to obtain objective measurements.
3. Please provide documentation, including spreadsheets as necessary relating to cases, that Mr Ian Hubball (Area Manager) has attended amateur radio spectrum abuse case field visits [redacted as necessary], along with the percentage this represents of the total number of amateur radio spectrum abuse cases which have directly fallen within Mr Hubball’s jurisdiction. Please indicate where Mr
Hubball has visited the same amateur radio station more than once and the reason for the need to have an area manager attend a simple engineering job.
If it is likely to cost more than £450 to supply the documentation then please restrict such documentation to after January 1, 2010.
Yours faithfully,
John Petters
Dear Mr Petters
Request for Information
Thank you for your request for information regarding spectrum abuse which
we received on Friday, 23 August 2013. Please find our acknowledgement
letter, attached.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Wyndham.
:: Alex Wyndham
Spectrum Engineering & Enforcement (Spectrum Support)
:: Ofcom
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
020 7981 3000
Dear Mr Petters
FoI 1-241825185 - Full Response
Thank you for your request for information regarding investigation of
interference to amateur radio stations. We received this request on 23
August 2013 and it has been processed by Ofcom’s Information Requests Team
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find
Ofcom’s response attached.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Wyndham.
:: Alex Wyndham
Spectrum Engineering & Enforcement (Spectrum Support)
:: Ofcom
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
020 7981 3000
Dear Alexander Wyndham,
Please take this as request for an Internal Review.
OFCOM's response was late, in breach of the law - why?
Clearly Ms Berg has not read my question properly.
I am not asking WHERE or WHEN Mr Hubball visited
amateur radio stations or which ones he visited, simply, how many and if he visited some stations more than once.
The question is quite clear:
Please provide documentation, including spreadsheets as necessary relating to cases, that Mr Ian Hubball (Area Manager) has attended amateur radio spectrum abuse case field visits [redacted as necessary], along with the percentage this represents of the total number of amateur radio spectrum abuse cases which have directly fallen
within Mr Hubball’s jurisdiction. Please indicate where Mr Hubball has visited the same amateur radio station more than once.
These are simply questions of numbers. There is no personal data about his movements requested.
Since I am not asking for personal information about Mr Hubball's life or movements,nor those of the individuals he visited, Section 40 of the FOI Act does not apply. If you believe I'm wrong about this please quote the specific clauses in S:40 upon which you rely.
In any event Mr Hubball is a public servant and his professional activity, paid by the public purse is not personal data and is a matter of public record.
Please now answer the questions properly, as you are required to do by law.
If I am unsatisfied with your response, I will refer it to the Information Commissioner.
Yours sincerely,
John Petters
Dear Mr Petters
Thank you for your email dated 24 September requesting an internal review of our response to your request for information.
I will be handling the review in this case and will be in touch again in due course. The new reference number is 1-244055461.
Kind regards
:: Julia Snape
Information Rights Advisor
Operations Group
Direct Line: 020 7981 3875
[email address]
:: Ofcom
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
020 7981 3000
Dear Mr Petters
Please find attached our response to your internal review request.
Kind regards
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Nige Coleman left an annotation ()
Dear Mr Wyndham.
I was most intrigued to see my case details show up on a routine search. When I read this through, including your response I was left with many questions. Despite being asked for a procedure you offer a nondescript summary of what you expect to happen.
Would Ofcom like to see the CCTV footage from my property which categoriclly shows that in the more recent visit, NO EQUIPMENT WAS USED OF ANY KIND OR AT ANY POINT, despite the interference exceeding the 6dB threshold Ofcom itself placed on the procedure (reference audio recording of N.Coleman vs. Sayed Khalilirad, in Ofcom's posession).
Ofcom's procedure for assessing amateur radio interference dictates that the equipment be connected to the amateur's own antenna system. CCTV proves this at no point took place.
Ofcom's responses are showing an increasing desperation to hide its incompetence.