Obstetric data for last 5 years
Dear East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust,
Please can you give figures for each of the last 5 years ie 2018-2022
Total live births
Total still births
Total intrapartum still births
Total neonatal deaths to 28 days
Total preterm births (<37 weeks)
Total maternal deaths
Total maternal collapses / cardiac arrests
Total postpartum haemorrhage >1.5l
Evacuation of retained products of conception (ERPCs)
Attendance numbers for early pregnancy clinics
Do you record covid-19 vaccination status in your electronic maternity records?
If possible for 2021 & 2022 could you give all of the above data by covid vaccination status (0/1/2/3/4 doses) or state if you do not record vaccination status.
If some information is not available, I would be grateful for any information you can give.
Yours faithfully,
Sophie Gidet
Good afternoon
Please see attached response to your Freedom of Information request.
Debbie Collins (nee Frame) | Corporate Governance Officer Tel: 01438 284463 | Ext: 4463, Lister L68
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Management Offices | Lister Hospital | Coreys Mill Lane | Stevenage |
Hertfordshire | SG1 4AB | http://www.enherts-tr.nhs.uk/
Many thanks for sending me the information requested. Please could you clarify what you mean by <5 for some of the categories. Does that mean for example that you have had maternal deaths in the last 5 years but less than 5?
Thank you for clarifying.
Yours sincerely,
Sophie Gidet
Good morning
<5 means less than 5 people. Please accept my apologies because I omitted to add an explanation of this. The reason we always put less than 5 is because where the numbers involved are very low (fewer than five) we have declined to provide the exact figure as we consider the information constitutes personal data of a third party and its disclosure could lead to the identification of the individual/s involved. We have therefore concluded that this information is exempt from disclosure under section 40(2) of the FOI Act, because of the condition within section 40(3A)(a). This exempts personal data if disclosure would contravene any of the data protection principles in Article 5(1) of the General Data Protection Regulation and section 34(1) of the Data Protection Act 2018.
I hope that explains an my apologies again for not putting the explanation into the response letter.
Debbie Collins (nee Frame) | Corporate Governance Officer Tel: 01438 284463 | Ext: 4463, Lister L68
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Management Offices | Lister Hospital | Coreys Mill Lane | Stevenage |
Hertfordshire | SG1 4AB | http://www.enherts-tr.nhs.uk/
Regarding your last response, please can you clarify the following
Does <5 also apply if 0?
Otherwise you are saying you have had at least one maternal death in each of the last 5 years which would be very worrying if correct. Some units have pooled 2018-2022 and put <5 for the whole 5 year period but most units have reported 0, 0, <5, 0, 0 or something like that.
Please could you clarify this for me. Many thanks,
Yours sincerely,
Sophie Gidet
Good afternoon Sophie
To confirm; if the answer was zero, it would be reported as 0.
If the answer was 1-4, it would be reported as <5.
Please note that reported maternal deaths is defined as deaths whilst pregnant or post-natal. I confirm there have been zero deaths during labour.
All incidents have been investigated by HSIB where relevant.
I hope that clarifies
Debbie Collins | Corporate Governance Officer Tel: 01438 284463 | Ext: 4463, Lister L68
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
Management Offices | Lister Hospital | Coreys Mill Lane | Stevenage |
Hertfordshire | SG1 4AB | http://www.enherts-tr.nhs.uk/
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