Numbers of paramedics leaving

The request was successful.

Dear East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust,

Can you could provide information on the numbers of paramedics and specialist paramedics who have left your Trust since the start of January 2013.
Kindly break this down into monthly figures and to include June 2014.
I don't require any additional spin about staff who are being recruited and who won't become fully qualified paramedics for years anyway.

Yours faithfully,

J Lowe

FOI, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Dear J Lowe

Thank you for your email dated 23rd June 2014 where you requested information regarding the East of England Ambulance Service.

Your request will be dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and we will respond to you within twenty working days. Your request has been allocated the following reference: F18202 and I would be grateful if you could quote this reference in any future correspondence with the Trust.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

FoI Officer
East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust

show quoted sections

FOI, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Dear J Lowe


Further to your email dated 23rd June 2014, please find the Trust's
response below.


The number of paramedics and specialist paramedics who have left East of
England Ambulance Service NHS  Trust since the start of January 2013,
broken down into monthly figures, including June 2014 are as follows:


Paramedic (includes
Student Paramedics)
Month Headcount WTE
Jan-13 9 7.81
Feb-13 5 5
Mar-13 3 2.5
Apr-13 7 6.07
May-13 8 7.23
Jun-13 3 3
Jul-13 7 7
Aug-13 6 4.81
Sep-13 12 10.44
Oct-13 10 7.84
Nov-13 11 9.01
Dec-13 10 9.21
Jan-14 8 7.61
Feb-14 3 3
Mar-14 8 7.31
Apr-14 11 9.47
May-14 8 7.23
Jun-14 2 2


Specialist Paramedic   
Month Headcount WTE
Jan-13 1 1
Feb-13 0 0
Mar-13 0 0
Apr-13 0 0
May-13 0 0
Jun-13 1 1
Jul-13 3 2.07
Aug-13 1 0
Sep-13 0 0
Oct-13 1 1
Nov-13 0 0
Dec-13 1 1
Jan-14 0 0
Feb-14 2 1.5
Mar-14 0 0
Apr-14 0 0
May-14 1 1
Jun-14 0 0


I am obliged to advise you that if you are dissatisfied with the Trust’s
response to your request you have a right to complain to the Trust and
should set out your concerns to the Freedom of Information Officer, EEAST,
Hospital Approach, Broomfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 7WS or by email to
[1][East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust request email]. If you remain dissatisfied following this, you have
a right under Section 50 of the FOIA to seek a determination from the
Information Commissioner on whether the Act has been properly applied by
the Trust. For more information, please see [2]


Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further


Kind regards


FoI Officer

East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust


show quoted sections

Dear East of England Ambulance Service

It appears that nearly 100 experienced paramedics left last year with similar numbers leaving so far this year.
As far as I understand, the very earliest the first of the new batch of staff being recruited are due to become qualified paramedics is not for about two and a half years by which time it's possible you might have lost another 250 existing paramedics

Yours sincerely,

J Lowe