Requests similar to 'Numbers of cases stayed or paid due to AT litigation'

1. In FOI2024 03180 (available here:
Dear Martin Williams, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 12th December. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team D...
Dear Mr Sharp, Please see attached. Thank you. ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ This e-mail and any a...
SLAPPs call for evidence responses - FOI request
Response by Ministry of Justice to Jim Fitzpatrick on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Fitzpatrick,   Please find attached a response to your FOI request. We apologise for the delay in responding. Thanks   Kind regards...
Dear Robert,   Please see the attached response to your FOI request and the attached information.   Yours sincerely,   David   [1]Mini...
Dear Mike Robinson, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 15th July. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team Persona...
<<email 5.pdf>> Are you following us on Twitter? Get short, timely messages from Charity Commission. Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated in...
Dear Martin Williams, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 7th March. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team DWP C...
Our Ref: FOI2024/00297 Please see the attached letter from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Kind regards, Ministerial Support Team...
Family Law Consulation
Response by Department of Finance (Northern Ireland) to hugh mc cloy on .


Mr McCloy,   Please see the attached response to your FOI request.   Regards   Matt This communication (and any attachment) is covered by...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Dear Martin Williams, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 21st May. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team DWP Ce...
Dear Mr Owen   Please find attached a letter in response to your Freedom of Information request.   Yours sincerely   Information Rights Un...
Dear Martin Williams, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 16th August. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team APP...
Mr O'Brien Please see attached response document with publications. Thanks Amanda DJEP-CLCP-Claims team MINISTRY OF DEFENCE DC&L(F&S)CLAIMS ANNUAL...
Dear Ms Booker, We are writing in response to your request for information, received 5 August. Yours sincerely, HMRC Freedom of Information Team...
Dear Mr Collins, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 19 April 2021. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team   Ti...
2017 Final honors school PPE examiners reports
Response by University of Oxford to kek on .


Dear Ms Kelly,   I enclose the substantive response to your request for PPE and Philosophy’s Examiner’s reports.   Kind regards,   Anna Ki...
Practice of Keeping Record of Referrals to a Court of Record
Response by Ministry of Justice to D. Kol on .

Information not held

Afternoon,   It appears that this response may not have been sent.  Please find attached the response and supporting document.  Please accept my a...
Dear Mr Ellson, You are most welcome: attached. What were then 'draft' minutes were approved by the Rule Committee at the next meeting. The meeting c...
Judicial Reviews - Totally Without Merit policy
Response by Home Office to John Roberts on .


Dear Mr Roberts     Further to your email of 17 August 18.     Please now find the attached document which was omitted from our email in e...
English Tripos exam papers and examiners’ reports
Response by University of Cambridge to Farhan on .

Partially successful

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Dear Phil Collyer Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 4 October 2013 requesting a copy of Lord Nolan’s report into Freemasonry. Yo...
Rules / Guidance for Planning Inspectors
Response by Planning Inspectorate to altruvista on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Laws Thank you for your email requesting information from the Planning Inspectorate. Your request has been considered under the provisions of...
Dear David Southall, I am writing in response to your request for information, received 18th October. This is the first of several e-mails. I will...