DWP Central Freedom of Information
Caxton House
6-12 Tothill Street
Martin Williams
DWP Website
Our Ref: FOI2024/03180
Date: 31 January 2024
Dear Martin Williams,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received on 15 January. You wrote:
“I write further to FOI2023/96280.
In light of your decision on that request that it would take in excess of 24 hours of staff time
to respond to the request as formulated, then I am submitting a more limited request as
Please provide:
i) The numbers of claims or awards where decision making has been stayed to await the
eventual outcome of the SSWP v AT litigation.
ii) The number of claims or awards where the SSWP has applied the SSWP v AT
judgments as not to do so would cause hardship.
With regard to this, the SSWP must have this information and almost certainly has it stored
centrally as he will need to work through the cases in which decision making has been
stayed when the litigation is concluded and presumably, if he wins in the Supreme Court,
would want to consider superseding or revising in any case where payment has been made
on the basis of AT - so again would need a list of cases in which that has happened in order
to take the appropriate action.”
DWP Response
We can confirm that we do hold information you have requested. As of the latest scan
conducted on 24/01/2024
i)The numbers of claims or awards where decision making has been stayed to await the
eventual outcome of the SSWP v AT litigation stands at
ii)The number of claims or awards where the SSWP has applied the SSWP v AT judgments as
not to do so would cause hardship stands at
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact us quoting the reference number above.
Yours sincerely,
DWP Central Freedom of Information Team
Department for Work and Pensions
Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailing
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.xx or by writing to: DWP Central FoI Team, Caxton
House, 6-12 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA.
Any request for an internal review must be received by us within 40 working days of the date of
this letter. Please note we are not obliged to provide a review if it is requested after more than
40 working days.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you may apply directly to the
Information Commissioner’s Office for a decision. Generally, the Commissioner cannot make a
decision unless you have exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
: ICO FOI and EIR complaints or telephone 0303 123 1113