Number of unemployed & furloughed during COVID

HM Revenue and Customs did not have the information requested.

Dear HM Revenue and Customs,

I would like to know how many people have been furloughed/registered as unemployed each week since January 2020 to the latest available date by LSOA.

Yours faithfully,
Dheeya Rizmie on behalf of Harjit Garcha, HM Revenue and Customs

Our ref: FOI2020/00992

Dear Dheeya Rizmie,

Thank you for your request seeking Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS)

We understand the public interest in seeing both CJRS and Self-Employment
Income Support Scheme data and we have started [1]releasing such
statistics on a regular basis. We're currently discussing how much
additional detail can be made available. Once this has been finalised, we
will need to prepare this information for publication. We believe either
part or all of your request will be answered once we expand our published
statistics. We cannot be entirely certain just yet though, which is why we
haven't refused your request under [2]section 22 of the FOIA.

We'd like to ask you to consider withdrawing your request until additional
scheme statistics are released, which we anticipate to be available in the
next couple of months. If after that time the published data does not
cover what you seek, you're welcome to resubmit your request. It would
help us tremendously if you would consider doing this for us.

Yours sincerely

HM Revenue and Customs


Visible links
2. on behalf of FOI Team, HM Revenue and Customs

Our ref: FOI2020/00992

Dear Dheeya Rizmie,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 Acknowledgement

Thank you for your communication of 3rd June which has been passed to
HMRC's Freedom of Information Team.

We have allocated the above reference which you should quote if you need
to contact us.

The Team will arrange for a reply to be sent to you which will either
comply with HMRC's obligations under Freedom of Information Act or, if we
think it's an enquiry that we don't need to address under the terms of the
Act, let you know why. If it is the latter we will, if possible, pass it
on to a more appropriate part of the Department for answer.

As you will appreciate, the coronavirus pandemic has provided
unprecedented challenges for Government Departments including HMRC. Over
the coming weeks our priorities are to provide critical existing and new
Public Services for Government to support customers during this difficult
time. As a result, resources may be diverted away from usual compliance or
information rights work. HMRC aims to respond to all FOIA Requests within
20 working days. If for whatever reason this timescale cannot be complied
with HMRC will, where possible, write to you explaining the reason for the
delay and providing an estimated time for response.

Yours sincerely

HMRC Freedom of Information Act Team on behalf of FOI Team, HM Revenue and Customs

1 Attachment

Dear Dheeya Rizmie,

We are writing in response to your request for information, received 3

Yours sincerely,

HMRC Freedom of Information Team