Number of returning students in Hilary Term, 2021

The request was successful.

Dear Keble College, Oxford,

Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of students living in college accommodation in Michaelmas Term 2020, broken down by year of matriculation.

Yours faithfully,

Alfred Dolby

Peter Monteith, Keble College, Oxford

4 Attachments

Dear Alfred Dolby,


This is in reply to your enquiry received by the College on 7 April and
made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). I can confirm that
Keble College does hold some information related to your request. The
information as held by the College is:


Total number of students in college for Michaelmas Term –

1st years (entered 2020) - 148

2nd years (entered 2019)- 122

3rd/4th years (entered 2017/2018)- 85


Total number of students in college for week 8 of Hilary Term –

1st years - 82

2nd years - 50

3rd/4th years - 62


If you have further questions please ask me in the first instance. Details
about the College’s approach to Freedom of Information, including who to
ask for a review, can be found at
[1] If, after following
those procedures you are still not satisfied with the way in which your
request has been dealt with you may apply directly to the Information
Commissioner for a decision.


Yours sincerely,


Peter Monteith



Peter Monteith

Archivist and Records Manager

Keble College • Oxford OX1 3PG

+44 (0)1865 282400 • Charity No. 1143997

[2]Fs [3]Ts [4]instagram





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