Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of...
Dear Ms Wright,
I refer to your request of 11 September 2020 for information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request
Dear Farrah Abdullah,
Our reference: FOI/20210731/2
Please find attached the University's response to your request.
Kind regards
Dear Khoa Tran,
Our reference: [FOI/20211128/3]
Please find attached the University’s response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Compl...
Dear Ms Abdullah,
Please find the University's response to request attached.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Oxford
Information Compliance Team
Vice Chanc...
Dear Mr Chen,
I attach our reply to your FOI request of 16 January.
Yours sincerely
FOI Oxford
Ref. FOI/20181209/2 5 February 2019 Reply to r...
Dear Sara,
With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, I am writing to inform you that parts of your reques...
Dear Ms Farrah
Please find attached in response to your request of 20 November.
Kind regards
Information Compliance Team
Vice Chancellor’s and Regis...
FOI – response
Our Reference: FOI_0101
Dear Graham,
Please find attached the current College Ordinance Book and the current College charter (there h...
Dear Seth,
I write in response to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 below. Please find attached the University's response to your...
Dear Mr Mohammed,
Our reference: [FOI/20211119/4]
Please find attached the University’s response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Comp...
Dear Milton Chapenr,
Our ref: FOI/20201115/3
Please find attached the University's response to your request.
Yours sincerely
Information Compli...
Dear Lisa,
Our reference: [FOI/20210526/1]
Please find attached the University’s response to your request.
Yours sincerely,
Information Compliance...
Dear Seth,
Please find attached the University's response to your request.
Best wishes
Alison Bomford
Information Compliance Administrato...
Dear Mr Chow,
Please find my response and a supporting document attached.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Young
Brian Young,
Professor of Intellectual Hist...
Dear Mr Mash
I am responding to your FOI request of 15 June. I will deal with your
points in the order you raise them. I am attaching electronic copie...
Dear Ms Abdullah,
Going through our records, we are unsure if our office sent a reply to
your request of 13 February, 2019. If not, please accept ou...