We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Alfred Dolby please sign in and let everyone know.

Number of returning students in Hilary Term, 2021

We're waiting for Alfred Dolby to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Kellogg College, Oxford,

Please could you provide the number of your students who returned to their college accommodation by Week 8 of Hilary Term 2021 and the total number of students living in college accommodation in Michaelmas Term 2020, broken down by year of matriculation.

Yours faithfully,

Alfred Dolby

Naomi Maxwell-Wood, Kellogg College, Oxford

Dear Alfred Dolby
Please find the following information in response to your FOI request.
Total number of students living in College accommodation in MT '20 
50 students living in College accommodation as of December '20 

* 48 of these students matriculated in 2020
* 1 student matriculated in 2014 
* 1 student matriculated in 2012

Total number of students who had returned to College accommodation by week
8 of Hilary term
Most of our residents did not leave their accommodation during the winter
period (37). 
13 of our residents left their accommodation, of which 3 had returned to
their College accommodation by week 8 of Hilary Term. 
Please let me know if you require any further information
best wishes

Naomi Maxwell-Wood

Communications Manager

Kellogg College, Oxford, OX2 6PN

Direct Line: +44 (0) 1865 612 014

Twitter: [1]@KelloggOx

Instagram: [2]@Kelloggcollege



My working days are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday -  07:30-15:30



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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Alfred Dolby please sign in and let everyone know.