Number of referrals to IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy)
Dear Stoke on Trent City Council,
I hope you might be able to help me with the request for information
below. If you have the information to hand for tax year 2016/2017 as well
as 2017/2018 I would appreciate both data sets if it is possible,
otherwise just 2016/2017 is fine.
Please could you provide the name of the organisation commissioned to
deliver Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)?
If you hold data on the number of referrals made in the year 2016/2017
please could you provide information on how many times an IMCA was
instructed in each decision:
i. Long term Change of Accommodation
ii. Serious Medical Treatment
iii. Review of the Accommodation decisions iv. Safeguarding
b) If you hold data on the number of referrals made in 2016/2017, please
could you provide information on how many times an IMCA DoLS was
instructed within each of these:
i. 39A DoLS process
ii. 39C DoLS process
iii. 39D DoLS process.
If you hold data on the number of challenges to decisions (formal
complaints and s21A applications to Court of Protection) under the MCA
made by IMCAs please could you provide these numbers for 2016/2017 as
If you do not hold this information could you kindly tell me who does?
Thank you for your help,
Yours faithfully,
K. Huijbers
Dear Sir/Madam
Your request for information ref. SOT70407
Section 8(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 sets out the
requirements of a valid request and says that a request must, amongst
other things, 'state the name of the applicant and address for
As you have not provided a name, your request is not valid under the terms
of the Act.
ICO guidance states “a title and/or first name with surname satisfies the
requirement for provision of a real name”.
If you wish to continue with your request, please contact
[1][Stoke on Trent City Council request email] and provide a name to which we can correspond.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
Information Rights
City of Stoke-on-Trent
Floor 2 Civic Centre Glebe Street Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1HH
T: 01782 232853, 01782 233020, 01782 233732, 01782 235965
E: [2][Stoke on Trent City Council request email]
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2. mailto:[Stoke on Trent City Council request email]
Dear FOI,
My name is Katja Huijbers
Many thanks
Katja Huijbers
Yours sincerely,
K. Huijbers
Dear Ms Huijbers
Your request for information ref. SOT70407
Thank you for your request for information about the number of referrals
to IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy) for 2016/17 and 2017/18.
Your request was received by the Information Rights Team on 20 July 2018.
This is being dealt with under the terms of the appropriate Information
Rights legislation.
In some circumstances we may charge for information. If there is a charge
we will let you know, as you will have to pay it before we deal with your
Some information does not have to be released under this legislation. We
will check the information you have asked for and send you as much as
possible. If another person or organisation is named in the information,
we may have to ask their opinion before we decide what we can give you.
You should expect to receive a response to your request on or before 21
August 2018 in line with the legislation's 20 working day statutory
For your information we may publish the response to your request on our
City Council's website, which can be found at the following address:
If you have any queries about this email please do not hesitate to contact
You can find details of how we handle your personal information by
visiting [2]
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
Information Rights
Floor 2 Civic Centre Glebe Street
Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1HH
City of Stoke-on-Trent
t 01782 232853, 01782 233020, 01782 233732, 01782 235965
e [3][Stoke on Trent City Council request email]
There’s so much to see and do across the city this summer. [4]Click
here for more information about what’s on offer .
Keep up-to-date with events in the city, job vacancies, news from the city
council and details about services which can help you by signing up to our
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2. file:///C:\Users\Kelly005l\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary%20Internet%20Files\Content.Outlook\434O2OF9\\dataprotection
3. mailto:[Stoke on Trent City Council request email]
Dear Ms Huijbers
Your request for information ref. SOT70407 about the number of referrals
to IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy) for 2016/17 and 2017/18
We have now considered your request and a copy of the information is
attached below.
The information supplied may be used for domestic or journalistic
purposes. Its use for commercial gain including issuing to the public,
social media or computer blogs may be subject to the issue of a licence
under the Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015.
Please could you provide the name of the organisation commissioned to
deliver Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)?
Response: ASIST
If you hold data on the number of referrals made in the year 2016/2017
please could you provide information on how many times an IMCA was
instructed in each decision:-
i. Long term Change of Accommodation
ii. Serious Medical Treatment
iii. Review of the Accommodation decisions iv. Safeguarding
b) If you hold data on the number of referrals made in 2016/2017, please
could you provide information on how many times an IMCA DoLS was
instructed within each of these:-
i. 39A DoLS process
ii. 39C DoLS process
iii. 39D DoLS process.
If you hold data on the number of challenges to decisions (formal
complaints and s21A applications to Court of Protection) under the MCA
made by IMCAs please could you provide these numbers for 2016/2017 as
Response: Please see below.
Please note that these figures are approximations as in both of the years
where the information has been requested, we jointly commissioned this
service with Staffordshire County Council and therefore the data collated
for monitoring purposes was joint. ASIST have therefore tried to work out
the split between both Local Authorities.
2016/17 2017/18
IMCA Decisions
Accommodation Review 21 25
Change of Accommodation 63 65
Serious Medical Treatment 33 45
Safeguarding 15 10
39a 28 53
39c 2 1
39d 11 15
Section 21a
23 to access COP 16 to access COP
No part 8 reviews No part 8 reviews
recorded recorded
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision,
you should write to: The Information Rights Manager, Information Rights
Team, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Floor 2, Civic Centre, Glebe Street,
ST4 1HH, or email [1][Stoke on Trent City Council request email].
If, after contacting us, you are not content with the outcome, you may ask
the Information Commissioner for a decision. Before doing this, please see
the following link for guidance from the Information Commissioner relating
to how to use your information rights responsibly and effectively, to
enable you to gain the best outcome from the process -
Generally, the Information Commissioner cannot make a decision unless you
have already used our internal review procedure. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, tel: 0303 123
1113 or you can visit their website at [3]
You can find details of how we handle your personal information by
visiting [4]
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
Information Rights
City of Stoke-on-Trent
Floor 2 Civic Centre Glebe Street Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1HH
T: 01782 232853, 01782 233020, 01782 233732, 01782 235965
E: [5][Stoke on Trent City Council request email]
Dear Stoke on Trent City Council,
I hope you might be able to help me with the request for information
below. If you have the information to hand for tax year 2016/2017 as well
as 2017/2018 I would appreciate both data sets if it is possible,
otherwise just 2016/2017 is fine.
Please could you provide the name of the organisation commissioned to
deliver Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)?
If you hold data on the number of referrals made in the year 2016/2017
please could you provide information on how many times an IMCA was
instructed in each decision:
i. Long term Change of Accommodation
ii. Serious Medical Treatment
iii. Review of the Accommodation decisions iv. Safeguarding
b) If you hold data on the number of referrals made in 2016/2017, please
could you provide information on how many times an IMCA DoLS was
instructed within each of these:
i. 39A DoLS process
ii. 39C DoLS process
iii. 39D DoLS process.
If you hold data on the number of challenges to decisions (formal
complaints and s21A applications to Court of Protection) under the MCA
made by IMCAs please could you provide these numbers for 2016/2017 as
If you do not hold this information could you kindly tell me who does?
Thank you for your help,
Yours faithfully,
K. Huijbers
There’s so much to see and do across the city this summer. [6]Click
here for more information about what’s on offer .
Keep up-to-date with events in the city, job vacancies, news from the city
council and details about services which can help you by signing up to our
email updates at [7]
Save time, go online; pay your council tax, manage your benefits, book a
housing repair and report a pothole at a time and place that’s convenient
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Visible links
1. mailto:[Stoke on Trent City Council request email]
4. file:///C:\Users\Kelly005l\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary%20Internet%20Files\Content.Outlook\434O2OF9\\dataprotection
5. mailto:[Stoke on Trent City Council request email]
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