Number of pupils admitted per primary school
Dear The Cherwell School, Oxford,
Can you please provide information regarding from which primary schools pupils were admitted from into the first year of school at The Cherwell in the years 2010-2013 where this information is held.
For example for admissions year 2012-2013 could look like this
Wolvercote School - 60 pupils
Cuttleslowe School - 58 pupils
Old Marston Primary - 29 pupils
Thank you for you assistance with this.
James Halinson
Dear Mr Halinson,
Thank you for your email request for Admission Information. I have taken
the liberty of forwarding your request to Oxfordshire County Council who
deal with our admissions on our behalf. They will contact you with the
information you have requested in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Banham
Student Administration
The Cherwell School
A Centre of Opportunity
Marston Ferrry Road
Oxford OX2 7EE
Telephone: 01865 558719 Extn. 305
Email: [email address]
Dear Mr Halinson,
Thank you for your email and request for information. Please see attached
table giving the number of offers made against individual primary schools.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Banham
Student Administration
The Cherwell School
A Centre of Opportunity
Marston Ferrry Road
Oxford OX2 7EE
Telephone: 01865 558719 Extn. 305
Email: [email address]
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