Number of pay banding appeals
Dear Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,
I would like to make a Freedom of Information request.
Junior doctors receive a banding supplement to their base pay.
In the year 2015, in your trust how many pay banding appeals for junior doctors were there? How many were successful? And how many (total) junior doctors were involved?
Following each of these appeals, how many resulted in a change in working pattern or extra staff/doctors being hired?
Very roughly, how many junior doctor have you employed in 2015?
Yours faithfully,
J Sturgeon
Please see attached acknowledgement of your request.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Director of Strategy/Deputy Chief Executive
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust
Chorlton House
70 Manchester Road
Manchester, M21 9UN
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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Please see attached response to your enquiry.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Director of Strategy/Deputy Chief Executive
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust
Chorlton House
70 Manchester Road
Manchester, M21 9UN
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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