Dear West, North and East Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership,

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

I would like to receive information relating to the number of patients detained and the number of patients discharged under various sections of the Mental Health Act from January 2018 to September 2020.

Please can you provide the following information:

1. The number of people detained under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act from 2018 to date. Please provide a monthly breakdown of these figures for the years 2018 and 2019, and a weekly breakdown for 2020.

2. The number of people discharged under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act from 2018 to date. Please provide a monthly breakdown of these figures for the years 2018 and 2019, and a weekly breakdown for 2020.

3. The number of people detained under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act from 2018 to date. Please provide a monthly breakdown of these figures for the years 2018 and 2019, and a weekly breakdown for 2020.

4. The number of people discharged under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act from 2018 to date. Please provide a monthly breakdown of these figures for the years 2018 and 2019, and a weekly breakdown for 2020.

5. The number of people detained under Section 37 of the Mental Health Act each week from 2018 to date. Please provide a monthly breakdown of these figures for the years 2018 and 2019, and a weekly breakdown for 2020.

6. The number of people discharged under Section 37 of the Mental Health Act each week from 2018 to date. Please provide a monthly breakdown of these figures for the years 2018 and 2019, and a weekly breakdown for 2020.

Please break down all the above information by age, gender and ethnic background.

If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary.

I understand that you are required to respond to my request within the 20 working days after you receive this letter. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request.

Best regards,

Aaron Walawalkar and Charlotte Threipland

CumbriaCCG-FOI (01H) NHS North Cumbria CCG, West, North and East Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership

3 Attachments

Dear Aaron and Charlotte


Thank you for your request for information about mental health services.


Your request was received on 24 September and we are dealing with it under
the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we
will let you know. A fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be
required to pay before we will proceed to deal with your request.


Please note that from 1 April 2017 we became NHS North Cumbria Clinical
Commissioning Group (CCG). We will advise you if you need to send your
request to NHS Morecambe Bay CCG, which now has responsibility for
commissioning for south Cumbria.


If you have any queries about this email, please email
[1][email address] or telephone the CCG reception on 01768 245
486. Please remember to quote reference number CF1847 in any future


Kind regards


Freedom of Information Team


[2]cid:image004.jpg@01D66BEE.E6A6D510 [5]cid:image003.jpg@01D68CE6.300ACFF0

Parkhouse Building, Baron Way,
Kingmoor Park

Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 4SJ


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are addressed.  Any views or opinions expressed are those of the author
and do no represent the views of NHS North Cumbria CCG unless otherwise
explicitly stated.  The information contained in this email may be subject
to public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Unless
the information is legally exempt from disclosure, the confidentiality of
this email and your reply cannot be guaranteed.  NHS North Cumbria CCG
accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted with
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CumbriaCCG-FOI (01H) NHS North Cumbria CCG, West, North and East Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnership

1 Attachment

Dear Aaron and Charlotte

Please find our response to your Freedom of Information request attached.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team

Parkhouse Building, Baron Way, Kingmoor Park
Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 4SJ

Disclaimer:  This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.  Any views or opinions expressed are those of the author and do no represent the views of NHS North Cumbria CCG unless otherwise explicitly stated.  The information contained in this email may be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Unless the information is legally exempt from disclosure, the confidentiality of this email and your reply cannot be guaranteed.  NHS North Cumbria CCG accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted with this email, so although virus checked before transmission, the recipient should also check for the presence of viruses.

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