Number of officers, NCOs and ptes

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, British Army should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear British Army,

Over the last 40 years how many of each rank has the British Army had? Broken down by year and rank eg 2001 16 OF7s. Would it also be possible to break down the officers by direct and late entry, please?

Yours faithfully,

Aidan Wearmouth

Army Sec-Group (MULTIUSER), British Army

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Wearmouth,


Please find attached in response to your recent Freedom of Information
request to the Ministry of Defence.




Workforce 2 | Army Policy & Secretariat

Strategic Centre| Army Headquarters | IDL 24 | Blenheim Building |
Marlborough Lines | ANDOVER | SP11 8HJ

Dear Army Sec-Group (MULTIUSER),

That is excellent, thank you. Would you be able to break down the number of Colonel and above as well, please?

Yours sincerely,
