Number of LGBT individuals making a homeless application between 2018-2022
Dear FOI Team,
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018 and April 2022.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation (temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Murphy
Thank you for contacting The Barnet Group on 05/05/2022 13:17.
Your email has been logged with ID 0040810. We will aim to respond to you
within 5 working days.
If you have not included your address, or if you need to provide more
information, please reply directly to this email. This will help us to
respond more quickly.
In January 2022, the London Borough of Barnet (Barnet Council) became
responsible for assisting Barnet residents with all enquiries about fly
tipping or bulk refuse. If your enquiry is about fly tipping or bulk
refuse, please report the problem directly to Barnet Council directly
using this link: [1]Report a problem with a road, street or pavement |
Barnet Council. Barnet Council will then help you.
Kind regards,
Customer Contact Team
The Barnet Group
Tel: 020 80 80 6587
Email:[2][email address]
Website: [3]
** Warning External Email **
Dear FOI Team,
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Murphy
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #859193 email]
Is [Barnet Homes request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Barnet Homes? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Oliver,
Thank you for contacting The Barnet Group.
Your Freedom of Information request has been passed onto the Complaints
and Information Team in line with our Freedom of Information procedure.
Your request has been passed to the Complaints and Information Team. They
will send you an acknowledgement letter within one working day.
If you would like to discuss this further, please respond directly to this
email or call us on 020 80 80 6587.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Edita Buzelyte
Tel: 020 80 80 6587
Email:[1][email address]
Website: [2]
The Barnet Group
From: "Barnet Homes" <[email address]>
Sent: 05/05/2022 12:18:51
To: [FOI #859193 email]
Subject: Thank you for your email - 0040810 [ID0040810]
Thank you for your email - 0040810 [ID0040810]
From: [FOI #859193 email]
Sent: 05/05/2022 12:15:22
To: [Barnet Homes request email];
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Number of LGBT individuals
making a homeless application between 2018-2022
** Warning External Email **
Dear FOI Team,
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Murphy
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #859193 email]
Is [Barnet Homes request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Barnet Homes? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Mr Murphy,
Thank you for your request below, asking for information that we hold as
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
We are processing your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Act defines a limited set of exemptions from the right to know. If we
decide to withhold information we will tell you why, will state which
exemption we are relying on and will explain how you can appeal. You are
entitled to a prompt response, which in any event should be sent within 20
working days.
Please contact me if you wish to discuss your FOI request.
Kind regards,
Gareth Peters
Complaints & Information Officer
Tel: 020 8359 4221
Email: [1][email address]
Address: 3^rd Floor, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW
From: [2][FOI #859193 email]
Sent: 05/05/2022 12:15:22
To: [3][Barnet Homes request email];
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Number of LGBT individuals
making a homeless application between 2018-2022
Dear FOI Team,
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Murphy
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #859193 email]
Is [5][Barnet Homes request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Barnet Homes? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
Dear Mr Murphy,
Thank you for your email of 5 May 2022, we have treated this as a Freedom
of Information request. You have asked for the following information;
please see our responses below in blue:
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022. Data of customers that made a homeless application from
April 2018 to end of March 2022 - this data was not statutory prior to
April 2018. Please note there us a high percentage of blanks as many
customers do not provide this information.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
Prefer not to Grand
Year/Month Bisexual Gay Heterosexual Lesbian say (blank) Total
2018 6 2 597 2 65 672
Apr 67 1 10 78
May 78 7 85
Jun 1 67 8 76
Jul 2 65 13 80
Aug 1 58 10 69
Sep 1 44 4 49
Oct 2 77 6 85
Nov 83 2 85
Dec 1 58 1 5 65
2019 8 7 780 2 11 69 877
Jan 73 5 78
Feb 71 2 73
Mar 2 1 53 3 59
Apr 2 53 2 6 63
May 1 59 1 2 63
Jun 67 4 71
Jul 1 81 3 10 95
Aug 1 1 58 1 10 71
Sep 1 67 3 3 74
Oct 1 72 13 86
Nov 1 75 3 8 87
Dec 1 2 51 3 57
2020 11 6 784 3 5 112 921
Jan 1 72 11 84
Feb 65 3 11 79
Mar 1 84 2 1 8 96
Apr 1 61 5 67
May 1 53 1 5 60
Jun 2 1 75 1 8 87
Jul 1 2 62 10 75
Aug 1 62 7 70
Sep 4 81 7 92
Oct 1 64 12 77
Nov 61 12 73
Dec 1 44 16 61
2021 3 34 1 997 1035
Jan 3 34 1 42 80
Feb 86 86
Mar 115 115
Apr 86 86
May 96 96
Jun 93 93
Jul 89 89
Aug 81 81
Sep 86 86
Oct 77 77
Nov 83 83
Dec 63 63
2022 250 250
Jan 100 100
Feb 63 63
Mar 87 87
Grand Total 25 18 2195 8 16 1493 3755
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
Prefer not to Grand
Year/Month Bisexual Gay Heterosexual Lesbian say Blank Total
2018 9 6 968 1 81 1065
Apr 1 1 111 10 123
May 3 2 111 5 121
Jun 1 1 104 19 125
Jul 1 1 107 5 114
Aug 1 103 13 117
Sep 2 106 1 12 121
Oct 1 121 7 129
Nov 112 5 117
Dec 93 5 98
2019 7 8 1302 1 9 100 1427
Jan 3 125 7 135
Feb 118 5 123
Mar 1 1 109 3 8 122
Apr 106 15 121
May 1 1 114 1 8 125
Jun 2 1 114 15 132
Jul 118 9 127
Aug 96 6 102
Sep 1 103 1 1 1 107
Oct 3 100 2 5 110
Nov 116 16 132
Dec 1 83 2 5 91
2020 8 7 948 2 1 97 1063
Jan 113 1 7 121
Feb 1 106 11 118
Mar 1 1 109 10 121
Apr 59 2 61
May 1 55 2 58
Jun 2 1 98 2 5 108
Jul 1 1 114 12 128
Aug 1 90 4 95
Sep 2 57 7 66
Oct 1 69 14 84
Nov 1 40 11 52
Dec 1 38 12 51
2021 2 21 856 879
Jan 2 21 44 67
Feb 87 87
Mar 88 88
Apr 69 69
May 64 64
Jun 78 78
Jul 55 55
Aug 82 82
Sep 82 82
Oct 74 74
Nov 79 79
Dec 54 54
2022 203 203
Jan 55 55
Feb 67 67
Mar 81 81
Grand Total 26 21 3239 4 10 1337 4637
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
Prefer not to Grand
Q3 Bisexual Gay Heterosexual Lesbian say Blank Total
2018 8 2 429 42 481
Feb 1 1 2
Apr 31 3 34
May 46 3 49
Jun 1 1 39 3 44
Jul 1 46 5 52
Aug 2 41 8 51
Sep 1 49 3 53
Oct 1 1 62 7 71
Nov 60 4 64
Dec 2 54 5 61
2019 6 6 702 2 9 51 776
Jan 64 5 69
Feb 61 2 63
Mar 2 1 53 1 2 59
Apr 1 60 2 4 67
May 2 47 2 51
Jun 1 57 2 60
Jul 71 2 4 77
Aug 1 60 3 64
Sep 1 61 2 4 68
Oct 57 2 8 67
Nov 1 68 1 10 80
Dec 1 1 43 1 5 51
2020 9 9 730 1 2 95 846
Jan 60 11 71
Feb 58 9 67
Mar 111 1 1 7 120
Apr 1 71 7 79
May 1 2 56 1 4 64
Jun 3 2 94 9 108
Jul 3 58 8 69
Aug 1 44 6 51
Sep 3 48 5 56
Oct 1 54 9 64
Nov 40 10 50
Dec 1 36 10 47
2021 1 3 81 1 1 531 618
Jan 3 37 1 1 13 55
Feb 1 10 34 45
Mar 7 39 46
Apr 3 51 54
May 4 39 43
Jun 4 49 53
Jul 45 45
Aug 5 52 57
Sep 6 53 59
Oct 47 47
Nov 3 53 56
Dec 2 56 58
2022 8 217 225
Jan 5 77 82
Feb 2 47 49
Mar 65 65
Apr 1 28 29
Grand Total 24 20 1950 4 12 936 2946
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;
Prefer not to Grand
Year/Month Bisexual Gay Heterosexual Lesbian say Blank Total
2018 15 8 1565 3 146 1737
Apr 1 1 178 1 20 201
May 3 2 189 12 206
Jun 1 2 171 27 201
Jul 3 1 172 18 194
Aug 2 161 23 186
Sep 3 150 1 16 170
Oct 3 198 13 214
Nov 195 7 202
Dec 1 151 1 10 163
2019 15 15 2082 3 20 169 2304
Jan 3 198 12 213
Feb 189 7 196
Mar 3 2 162 3 11 181
Apr 2 159 2 21 184
May 1 2 173 2 10 188
Jun 2 1 181 19 203
Jul 1 199 3 19 222
Aug 1 1 154 1 16 173
Sep 1 1 170 1 4 4 181
Oct 3 1 172 2 18 196
Nov 1 191 3 24 219
Dec 1 3 134 2 8 148
2020 19 13 1732 5 6 209 1984
Jan 1 185 1 18 205
Feb 1 171 3 22 197
Mar 2 1 193 2 1 18 217
Apr 1 120 7 128
May 2 108 1 7 118
Jun 4 2 173 3 13 195
Jul 2 3 176 22 203
Aug 2 152 11 165
Sep 4 2 138 14 158
Oct 2 133 26 161
Nov 1 101 23 125
Dec 1 1 82 28 112
2021 2 3 55 1 1853 1914
Jan 2 3 55 1 86 147
Feb 173 173
Mar 203 203
Apr 155 155
May 160 160
Jun 171 171
Jul 144 144
Aug 163 163
Sep 168 168
Oct 151 151
Nov 162 162
Dec 117 117
2022 453 453
Jan 155 155
Feb 130 130
Mar 168 168
Grand Total 51 39 5434 12 26 2830 8392
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
Prefer not to Grand
Year/Month Bisexual Heterosexual say Blank Total
2018 13 13
Apr 1 1
May 3 3
Sep 1 1
Oct 1 1
Nov 3 3
Dec 4 4
2019 27 1 3 31
Jan 3 3
Feb 3 3
Mar 2 2
Apr 2 1 3
May 2 2
Jun 2 2
Jul 1 1
Aug 1 1 2
Sep 1 1
Oct 7 1 8
Nov 1 1 2
Dec 2 2
2020 1 67 11 79
Jan 5 1 6
Feb 9 1 10
Mar 1 6 1 8
Apr 3 3
May 1 1
Jun 3 3
Jul 8 2 10
Aug 8 1 9
Sep 12 12
Oct 3 2 5
Nov 5 1 6
Dec 4 2 6
2021 1 4 305 310
Jan 1 3 4 8
Feb 1 16 17
Mar 12 12
Apr 19 19
May 13 13
Jun 30 30
Jul 16 16
Aug 28 28
Sep 40 40
Oct 43 43
Nov 45 45
Dec 39 39
2022 326 326
Jan 70 70
Feb 75 75
Mar 181 181
Total 2 111 1 645 759
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
Your rights
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been
handled, you can request a review by emailing [1][email address]
and marking it as an appeal for the attention of the Data Controller.
If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or complaint,
you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at: The
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF (telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45; website:
There is no charge for making an appeal.
Kind regards
Carly Williamson
Complaints and Information Manager
Tel: 020 8359 6379
Address: 3^rd Floor, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW
From: BHomes Complaints & Info
Sent: 05 May 2022 14:29
To: [FOI #859193 email]
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Acknowledgement
Dear Mr Murphy,
Thank you for your request below, asking for information that we hold as
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
We are processing your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Act defines a limited set of exemptions from the right to know. If we
decide to withhold information we will tell you why, will state which
exemption we are relying on and will explain how you can appeal. You are
entitled to a prompt response, which in any event should be sent within 20
working days.
Please contact me if you wish to discuss your FOI request.
Kind regards,
Gareth Peters
Complaints & Information Officer
Tel: 020 8359 4221
Email: [3][email address]
Address: 3^rd Floor, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London NW9 4EW
From: [4][FOI #859193 email]
Sent: 05/05/2022 12:15:22
To: [5][Barnet Homes request email];
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Number of LGBT individuals
making a homeless application between 2018-2022
Dear FOI Team,
I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022.
As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:
(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;
(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;
(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).
(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).
Yours faithfully,
Oliver Murphy
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[6][FOI #859193 email]
Is [7][Barnet Homes request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Barnet Homes? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.
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