We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Daniel Laycock please sign in and let everyone know.

Number of LGBT individuals making a homeless application between 2018-2023

Daniel Laycock made this Freedom of Information request to Peterborough City Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Daniel Laycock to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Peterborough City Council,

I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018 and April 2022. As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down into the following:

(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;

(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;

(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation (temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;

(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;

(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender). (*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old).

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Laycock

Freedom of Information Mailbox, Peterborough City Council

​Re: FOI202403002020​​

Dear Sir / Madam

This is a courtesy email to let you know your request for information has
been received on 21/03/2024. 

The Council aims to respond to all requests within 20 working days, in
this instance by 22/04/2024

Your unique reference number is FOI202403002020. Please keep this number
safe and please use it in any correspondence with ourselves.

Kind regards

Information Governance
Law & Governance
Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays
Contact details:
Kevin Taylor, Access to Information Officer - 01733 452576
Tazeem Akhtar, Access to Information Officer - 01733 207138
Sadaf Abdullah, Access to Records Officer - 01733 864668

Tracey Wright, Information Manager - 01733 452533

Ben Stevenson, Head of Information Governance/Data Protection Officer on
01733 452387 (non-working day Wed)

Emma Doran, Business Support Officer - 01733 453571

Email: [Peterborough City Council request email]
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Conditions apply to the confidentiality, copyright, legal liability and
use of this email.For full information relating to the transmission and
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Freedom of Information Mailbox, Peterborough City Council

1 Attachment

Freedom of Information Act response – ref FOI-202403002020

Dear Daniel Laycock, 

Your request for information, reference number FOI-202403002020,  has now
been considered and the information requested is given below.

Request and Response

Dear Peterborough City Council,

I write to request information on the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) individuals who made a homeless application as legally
homeless and/or being threatened with homelessness between January 2018
and April 2022.

As part of this request, I would like the information to be broken down
into the following:

(i) The number of individuals making a homeless application while 'legally
homeless' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including
transgender), per month, per year and grand total;

(ii) The number of individuals making a homeless application 'threatened
with homelessness' since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;

(iii) The number of individuals supported into accommodation
(temporary/emergency) since 2018, broken down into sexual orientation
(including transgender), per month, per year and grand total;

(iv) The number of individuals owed a prevention and/or relief duty since
2018, broken down into sexual orientation (including transgender), per
month, per year and grand total;

(v) The number of individuals to date, still waiting to be supported into
accommodation, broken down by sexual orientation (including transgender).

(*Individuals defined as anyone between the ages of 16-80 years-old)

Please see attachment for our response

show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Daniel Laycock please sign in and let everyone know.