Number of FOI requests

The request was successful.

Dear Post Office Limited,

How many FOI requests did you receive between 1/2/2016 and 31/1/2017?

Of the total,

1) How many received a response (not including confirmation of receipt) before the maximum 20 working days deadline.

2) How many received a response (not including confirmation of receipt) on the maximum 20 working days deadline.

3) How many received a response (not including confirmation of receipt) after the maximum 20 working days deadline.

Yours faithfully,

Mark daniels

FOIA, Post Office Limited

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Daniels,


Please find the response attached to your Freedom of Information request.




Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
1^st Floor

Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Street

London EC2Y 9AQ

033 3665 3951




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