Number of Children who did not receive their final transition Education Health Care Plan by the 15.02 deadline in 2023

Denise Kern made this Freedom of Information request to Brighton and Hove City Council as part of a batch sent to 70 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Brighton and Hove City Council,

Please advise with regards the following questions:

Question 1: As of 15 February 2023, how many children in your local authority had an Education Health Care Plan?

Question 2: How many children with special educational needs in your local authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning from primary to secondary school in September 2023?

Question 3: How many of these children received their final transition Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2023 deadline?

Yours faithfully,
Summer Cummings

Freedom Of Information, Brighton and Hove City Council

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How we process new FOI and EIR requests

When you submit a new FOI or EIR request, we will do the following:

•             We will log your request and send an acknowledgement email
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When you can expect to receive a response to your FOI request

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004, the Council has a legal obligation to
respond to a valid request no later than 20 working days following the
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 Further Information

You can find more information about the FOI process and how to make a
request on the Council website through the link below:

Freedom of Information – Brighton & Hove City Council  

Thank you

Information Rights Team

Brighton & Hove City Council

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Freedom of Information request
Our reference: 13451469


Dear Summer Cummings
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information to Brighton & Hove City Council
('the council') that was received on 13 June 2023. Your Information
Request has been logged as;
Question 1: As of 15 February 2023, how many children in your local
authority had an Education Health Care Plan?
Question 2: How many children with special educational needs in your local
authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning
from primary to secondary school in September 2023?
Question 3: How many of these children received their final transition
Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2023 deadline?
We are considering your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
. Our external website has information relating to this that you may find
useful. The link is below
[1]Freedom of Information
We aim to send a response to all requests for information within 20
working days of receipt. We plan to respond to your request by 11 July
2023. If we need more time, we'll let you know the extended due date.
We'll also contact you should we require any additional information in
relation to your request.
Please include your case reference 13451469 on all correspondence in
relation to this request.

IMPORTANT: Please do not edit the existing subject line text when replying
to this email. If you change this it will take us longer to identify the
request that you are corresponding about and will delay us in responding
to you. 

Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team 
Notice to recipient: The information contained in this electronic mail
message is intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is
addressed and may contain information which is privileged and
confidential, the disclosure of which is prohibited by law.   If the
reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please note that any
dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly
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  You can visit our website at   Please
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necessary.   Please Note:  Both incoming and outgoing Emails may be
monitored and/or recorded in line with current legislation


Visible links

1 Attachment

Freedom of Information request
Our reference: 13451469


Dear Summer Cummings
Thank you for your request for information received on 13 June 2023.
Please find attached our response to your request. 
Important: Should you wish to contact us again regarding this request,
please do not edit the existing subject line text when replying to this
email. If you change this it will take us longer to identify the request
that you are corresponding about and will delay us in responding to you. 
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team

Notice to recipient: The information contained in this electronic mail
message is intended only for the use of the individual to whom it is
addressed and may contain information which is privileged and
confidential, the disclosure of which is prohibited by law.   If the
reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please note that any
dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly
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the sender immediately.   Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.
  You can visit our website at   Please
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necessary.   Please Note:  Both incoming and outgoing Emails may be
monitored and/or recorded in line with current legislation