We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Denise Kern please sign in and let everyone know.

Number of Children who did not receive their final transition Education Health Care Plan by the 15.02 deadline in 2020, 2021 & 2022

We're waiting for Denise Kern to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Chichester District Council,

Please advise with regards the following questions:

Question 1: As of 15 February 2020, how many children in your local authority had an Education Health Care Plan?

Question 2: How many children with special educational needs in your local authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning from primary to secondary school in September 2020?

Question 3: How many of these children received their final transition Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2020 deadline?

Question 4: As of 15 February 2021, how many children in your local authority had an Education Health Care Plan?

Question 5: How many children with special educational needs in your local authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning from primary to secondary school in September 2021?

Question 6: How many of these children received their final transition Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2021 deadline?

Question 7: As of 15 February 2022, how many children in your local authority had an Education Health Care Plan?

Question 8: How many children with special educational needs in your local authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning from primary to secondary school in September 2022?

Question 9: How many of these children received their final transition Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2022 deadline?

Yours faithfully,

Margaret Dennison

FOI, Chichester District Council

Thank you for your email. Chichester District Council is not responsible
for this, we believe your request should be redirected to West Sussex
County Council.


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From: Denise Kern <[FOI #866422 email]>
Sent: 31 May 2022 12:06
To: FOI <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Number of Children who did not
receive their final transition Education Health Care Plan by the 15.02
deadline in 2020, 2021 & 2022


Dear Chichester District Council,

Please advise with regards the following questions:

Question 1: As of 15 February 2020, how many children in your local
authority had an Education Health Care Plan?

Question 2: How many children with special educational needs in your local
authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning
from primary to secondary school in September 2020?

Question 3: How many of these children received their final transition
Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2020 deadline?

Question 4: As of 15 February 2021, how many children in your local
authority had an Education Health Care Plan?

Question 5: How many children with special educational needs in your local
authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning
from primary to secondary school in September 2021?

Question 6: How many of these children received their final transition
Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2021 deadline?

Question 7: As of 15 February 2022, how many children in your local
authority had an Education Health Care Plan?

Question 8: How many children with special educational needs in your local
authority area required an Education Health Care Plan for transitioning
from primary to secondary school in September 2022?

Question 9: How many of these children received their final transition
Education Health Care Plan by the 15 February 2022 deadline?

Yours faithfully,

Margaret Dennison


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[6][FOI #866422 email]

Is [7][Chichester District Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Chichester District Council? If so, please contact us using
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Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Denise Kern please sign in and let everyone know.