This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Number of cases in which decision making paused due to AT litigation and wait for guidance'.

DWP Central Freedom of 
Information Team 
Caxton House 
6-12 Tothill Street 
Martin Williams  
DWP Website 
Our Ref: FOI2024/48114 
Date: 16 July 2024 
Dear Martin Williams, 
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FoI) request received on 17 June. You wrote: 
“Dear Department for Work and Pensions, 
1. In FOI2024 03180 (available here:
39045/attach/3/Response%20FOI2024%2003180.pdf?cookie_passthrough=1), the 
Department released data about the numbers of Universal Credit cases where decision 
making had been paused and the number of cases where payment had been made in 
reliance on the judgment in SSWP v AT [2023] EWCA Civ 1307. At the time of that 
response (dated 31/01/2024, those numbers were: 
"i)The numbers of claims or awards where decision making has been stayed to await the 
eventual outcome of the SSWP v AT litigation stands at 2816. 
ii)The number of claims or awards where the SSWP has applied the SSWP v AT judgments 
as not to do so would cause hardship stands at 83." 
2. Despite the fact that the SSWP v AT litigation concluded on 07/02/2024, when the 
Supreme Court dismissed an application by SSWP to appeal against the judgment of the 
Court of Appeal, a further FOI response (in this case FOI2024 41724 -
75996/attach/3/Response%20FOI2024%2041724.pdf?cookie_passthrough=1) indicated 
that DWP staff were still, at the time that response was dated (07/06/2024), following 
guidance (previously released under FOI2023 63218) which instructed them to stay 
decision making in cases similar to SSWP v AT and only to unpause decision making in 
cases where the appellant raised hardship issues. 
3. Given that DWP staff have continued to follow that guidance, I would be grateful if you 
could now provide an update for the figures released under FOI2024 03180: in other words, 
for the latest date for which the figure is held please provide: 
a) The number of claims or awards where decision making has been stayed because of the 
guidance released under FOI2024 03180 (either total numbers or numbers since 


b) The number of claims or awards where the SSWP has applied SSWP v AT and that has 
resulted in a positive award (ie has not paused decision making due to hardship and 
awarded benefit)- again either total numbers or numbers since 31/01/2024. 
Many thanks for your help.” 
DWP Response
We can confirm that we hold the information you have requested.  
Since 12/12/2022, in total the department has stayed 3080 AT lookalike cases and awarded 
hardship payments to 14 customers since 31/01/2024. Previously stayed cases are now being 
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact us quoting the reference number above. 
Yours sincerely, 
DWP Central Freedom of Information Team 
Department for Work and Pensions 
Your right to complain under the Freedom of Information Act 
If you are not happy with this response you may request an internal review by e-mailing or by writing to: DWP Central FoI Team, Caxton 
House, 6-12 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA.  
Any request for an internal review must be received by us within 40 working days of the date of 
this letter. Please note we are not obliged to provide a review if it is requested after more than 
40 working days. 
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review you may apply directly to the 
Information Commissioner’s Office for a decision. Generally, the Commissioner cannot make a 
decision unless you have exhausted our own complaints procedure. The Information 
Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, 
Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. 
Website: ICO FOI and EIR complaints or telephone 0303 123 1113.