Number of applications for the fine art course

The request was successful.

Dear Magdalen College, Oxford,

Would you mind giving me the number of direct fine art applications you received for each of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014?
Many thanks,

Tim Oswald

Nancy Cowell, Magdalen College, Oxford

Dear Tim,

Many thanks for your enquiry. We are taking it that by 'direct'
applications you mean applications which named the College as first
choice, and that the years you are referring to are the autumn
admissions exercises rather than the years of entry (or UCAS cycles). If
so, the answers to your questions are:

2012: 12
2013: 13
2014: 26

Best wishes,
Nancy Cowell

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Mrs Nancy Cowell
College Secretary/Academic Administrator
Magdalen College, Oxford OX1 4AU
Tel: 01865 276113; Fax: 01865 276094
[Magdalen College request email]

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