Dear Barton Court Grammar School,

I am making a Freedom of Information request regarding appeals to your school for a year 7 place in the years 2022 and 2023.

For entry to your school in a) September 2022 and b) September 2023 can you please provide:
1. Number of appeals heard by your panel
2. Number of appeals successful (appeal in pupil's favour)
3. How many of these successful appeal pupils had not achieved the qualifying score in your 11-plus selection test?

Thank you for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Joanne Bartley

Dear Joanne

Thank you for your email dated 17 April 2024 which contains a Freedom of Information Request.

Your request will now be dealt with by the School and you can expect a response within 20 school days, giving a deadline of Thursday 16 May 2024.

Kind regards

Clare Tutt.

Clare Tutt (Mrs) | Personal Assistant to the Trust Executive Headteacher/Barton Manor School Headteacher/Barton Court Grammar School Headteacher

Barton Court Grammar School, Longport, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1PH
Barton Manor School, Spring Lane, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1SU
B Tel:  01227 532140 | Email:  [email address]

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1 Attachment

Dear Joanne

Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information Request.

Kind regards

Clare Tutt.

Clare Tutt (Mrs) | Personal Assistant to the Trust Executive Headteacher/Barton Manor School Headteacher/Barton Court Grammar School Headteacher

Barton Court Grammar School, Longport, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1PH
Barton Manor School, Spring Lane, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1SU
B Tel:  01227 532140 | Email:  [email address]

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